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Ring of F*ck you

Annoying item (requires nerves of steel)
  This ring may seem like not much, but it can be annoying nontheless.
While wearing this ring you gain proficiency and advantage on performance checks while using the rings built in flute.
As an action you can activate the ring, then it builds a flute over the finger you are wearing (Blinsky-sama suggests the right middle-finger). Whenever you make a successful performance check to play the flute, the music you make sounds annoying as f*ck to everyone within a 30ft radius. Everyone in this radius hears the music, even if they are physically not able to hear it in the first place.
Everyone who hears it and isn´t friendly to the wearer becomes hostile to the wearer. Additionally everyone who is hostile to the wearer because of the music, has disadvantage on perception chekcs against anything other then the music or the wearer themself and feels the urge to stop the music.

  The ring also has a built in revolver with one shot, it is a firearm with the Ammunition and Rage (10/20) properties and deals 3d4 piercing damage.
If you deal 10 or more damage the creature is stopped and its movement is reduced to 0 for this turn.
Additionally, whenever a hostile creature enters the range of 10 ft. to you, you can use your reaction to make a ranged attack with the revolver against the creature.
  After you used this ability, you can´t use it again until you reload the revolver in a short or long rest.
Current Holder


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