Salvation's Landing

When the last survivors of crossing The Deeps made landfall for the first time in Nemylanthor, they made landfall at the mouth of a river on the western edge of the continent, on the coastal lowlands and salt marshes and tidal flats as a matter of necessity. Since that time, the New Order and the Army Engineers have been hard at work to shape the very land and use magic and modern engineering tools (constructs, golems, elementals on contract, steampunk terraforming crawlers, aqauscaping submersibles, aerial hover-flyers for survey teams) all flown in from Outpost Island on the massive and antique refitted airships pressed back into service once again.   The settlement is now a proper town, with automated docks and warehouses built on stone stilts 20' over the water level out on the tidal mud flats, amid a boardwalk platform professional industry town on stilts to manage the storage and retrieval and maintenance of shipping and cargo goods. Old fashioned yurts are in evidence from nomadic camps of prisoner women who are sent out to gather the bounty of the marshes and berry bogs and tidal pools where urchins and eels and succulent sea cucumber slugs dwell, also the place where lionfish and stingrays and sea snakes with their deadly venom proliferate, as well as the strange Turtlefolks farther south who claim the land as their own, and make good porters and companions, if you can modify the human architecture to deal with their strange body shapes.   To the east rise the Great Western Mountains, a massive cloud-piercing range which cuts off Salvation's Landing and the marshes and fens and bogs and pushes the wetlands into mountain valleys and becomes jungles. The lizard folk tribes ranging those wetlands and jungle hills are not a monolithic nation, and Laeka, the woman who assumed command of the Expedition once they arrived in Salvation's Landing, brokered strategic alliances with various stronger lizard folk tribes and alliances to ensure cooperation and peaceful trading and right of passage along the elevated road she and her magic users build as they slowly blazed their trail into the lone pass which stays open year round to access the developed non-human lands and the vast inland sylvan territories of the feral elves.   Now it is not uncommon for raids and the shifting nature of lizardfolk politics to make traveling that road something best done in groups all the same, or with armed caravan guards and local guides... just to be certain. But for the most part, the passage up the mountains and through Laeka's Lament as the pass is now called to get to the forests of Tol Vehara on the other side... is more or less safe. Though bandits and tribal politics along the way shift as much if not more than the seasonal hazards.


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