Umlilo Omnyama

Umlilo Omnyama

Mix of small arcane tatoos on his wrists and forarm. Both color and black work. Tattoos are a work in progress. I have a list in my excel character sheet   Five Foot 10 ½ inches tall Thin but not skinny Healthy but not buff or muscle-bound Platinum Blond Hair (and yes the curtains match the drapes) Fair skin – Ash White Bright Green eyes Smooth, deep, slightly snotty/superior voice Umlilo frequently cast Prestidigitation to repair small burn holes in his clothing. Like sparks and embers are falling out of the air just on him. Raised as an only child and mama's boy along with the semi-royalty of his fire born heritage does not teach Umlilo much restraint as a child.     At age 20 discovering his inheritance burried in the back yard by accident Umlilo learns his father is alive and his mother has been lieing to him all his life. This leads to Umlilo running away from home that very day before mother gets back from her trip to escape her now revealed clingy, controlling, manipulative ways to search for his father not knowing even so much as his name.   When angry or passionate Umlilo’s hair (top to bottom) gains a blue flame like aura and the smell of burning clothes surrounds him. (1d4 burn marks)   When casting spells his special Genasi spell ink tattoos light up with the specific spell mark glowing brighter. In addition the the glowing ink spell marks in bright burning colors may briefly appear along with writting in primordial.   Umlilo tatoos spells onto himself using secret techniques and special inks.   Rather then the normal red to orange his fire spells produce a blue-white flame.   To say Umlilo grew up a spoilt brat is an understatement. His mother powerful and rich wanted for nothing except a man she was willing to have a child with. After carefully considering and rejecting all the men of her home city she seduced a powerful fire elemental traveling through the area and seduced him with honeyed words and promises of infertility.   When her pregnancy came to light agreements and promises were made to keep the secret of his bastard son in exchange for monitery support at a comfortable lifestyle. When of age (18) his son was to be given an inheritance and told of his origin. Umlilo's mother never intended to keep this promise. A small box 12x18x6 with a letter was left for Umlilo when he was a young child. The intricately decorated ebony and abaloni box was proof against damage and no matter how she tried she could not throw it away it would keep coming back. In the end she manage to burn the letter and burry the box on the back yard. The box having the supplies and formulas for special family spells and rituals that could be tattooed onto a willing Genasi only. Non-elementals would find the tattoo would never heal and after a few days to a few weeks the ink would start to burn hotter and hotter untill removed. In the notebook with the formulary for the special/magical and regular tattoo inks are a few notes about this being a family secret going from father to son for generations.   When she could not burn or get rid of the box left to her son she burried it in the back yard burning the letter.   When 6 years old Umlilo's Genasi heritage became aparant along with his magical aptitude. A scolorship became available through an anonymous source and Umlilo began to train the codicil of wizardry I. Fourteen years latter, a recent graduate of the academy, practicing his new Detect Magic spell around the house he stumbled upon a burried source of magic in the back yard while his mother was out of town on a trip. Getting a shovel and using Mage Hand to do the dirty work the box was soon dug up. Opening to his touch the box revealed it's secrets. Learning his father left this to him and it was to be his 18th birthday present, a mostly empty envolope attached the the box showing just enough for Umlilo to learn his father didnt die when he was a baby and his mother hid this from him lieing for years.   Three days later returning from her trip Luhlaza came home to an empty house and a note with the simple words "I Hate You" leading her to find the hole in her back yard.   Mother's name: Luhlaza okomlilo obomvu Father's name is unknown to Umlilo - his mother wont tell him

To say Umlilo grew up a spoilt brat is an understatement. His mother powerful and rich wanted for nothing except a man she was willing to have a child with.

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