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Algollthus are the strange, intelligent, and powerful masters of the deep oceans, with ambitions of controlling the surface people for their dark plans. They form a collective of multiple varieties of creatures which work together as one. The most common algollthus are the aboleths, while the masters of their society are the vidileths, veiled masters capable of changing their shape into a humanoid form. There are other, stranger creatures, such as massive thought networks and biological engines of war in their society as well.

Basic Information


Each kind of algollthu is different, and has its own biology. Aboleths look like enormous, primordial fish with four tentacles and three eyes stacked atop one another. Vidileths look like large eels with six tentacles, two with claws on the ends and four with bioluminescent tips. They have six small, circular eyes, three on each side of their face. The stranger, more unique algollthus can be any variety of bizarre forms.

Ecology and Habitats

Algollthus inhabit the depths of the oceans and the sightless seas in the darklands, ruling impressive settlements and controlling large swaths of territory beneath the waves.

Additional Information

Social Structure

In algollthu society, aboleths form the backbone of civilization. The "common folk", aboleths still believe themselves superior to all other non-algollthu species. They lack the vidileths' ability to change their shape, and instead they bask in their monstrous forms. Vidileths, while not the most powerful of algollthus, are the society's leaders. More intelligent than aboleths, they lead their civilization and infiltrate those of their enemies. Other algollthus fulfill more specific roles prescribed by their forms.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Algollthus, native to the darkest depths of the oceans, have darkvision.

Civilization and Culture


While the origins of the algollthus are a mystery, most scholars agree that they are native to the planet, and may have simply evolved their abilities like dragons did. Regardless, as soon as algollthu society had established itself deep under the oceans, they began to spread out, driving away less organized species like krakens and sea serpents. Their dark ambitions demanded the ability to direct the development of surface civilizations, but by the time they had the means to do so, those civilizations were too far entrenched and developed. The Great Cataclysm gave the algollthus the opportunity they were looking for, and they have since been spreading their influence onto the surface.
Geographic Distribution


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