Urdefhan Species in Neon Fog | World Anvil
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Urdefhans are violent and brutal inhabitants of the lower layers of the darklands. Like the daemonic inhabitants of the plane of Abaddon from which they hail, their only priority is death.

Basic Information


Urdefans are humanoid in shape, but have a variety of sinister traits that set them apart. They have transparent skin and muscles, which reveal their organs and shiny bones. Their long tongues and wide maws full of sharp fangs give their faces a brutal appearance, and their large, red eyes give them the ability to see through magical darkness. These traits cause some to mistake them for undead like vampires or ghouls.

Ecology and Habitats

Urdefhans are widespread throughout the bottom of the darklands, and are also present on the higher layers. They establish themselves wherever there are people to kill and food to eat.

Additional Information

Social Structure

There is little order among urdefhan society. Leaders of urdefhan groups are most often the most accomplished warrior in the group, and the priests of Abaddon have a role as spiritual leaders. They provide magical support to their allies in battle and summon daemons to the Material Plane.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Not only are urdefhans native to the lower darklands, but they are also endowed with some of the power of the daemons of Abaddon. They have greater darkvision, able to see through even spells like darkness.

Symbiotic and Parasitic organisms

Urdefhans often summon their daemonic kin from the wastes of Abaddon to aid them in battle and spread more death. Additionally, they know the ritual for creating skevelings, massive undead bats afflicted with ghoul fever that serve as mounts for urdefhan warriors.

Civilization and Culture

Culture and Cultural Heritage

The urdefhans' signature weapon is the rhoka sword, a strange instrument with two parallel blades. It is the preferred weapon of urdefhan warriors, but all urdefhans know how to use it.


Urdefhans were created long ago by Abaddon's oldest inhabitants: the mysterious first horseman of the apocalypse. They were unleashed onto the world in a massive cave in the darklands, and began to spread throughout the depths, distributing the "gifts" of their patrons, the four horsemen.
Geographic Distribution


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