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Lakewood is a small sized town located on the shore of Lake Aion. The majority of people living here are human, although a small percentage of both elves and dwarves reside here as well. The town was founded over 500 years ago by Erick Bodusk. The town began as a way to send northern trees down to the capital for ship building but eventually the town grew to be more then just a logging town.   Merchants in the town include a blacksmith, a tattoo artist, a general store, bookshop, and apothecary. The town has a guild of miners that extract precious ore from the near by hills and mountains as well as a logging company belonging to the descendant of the towns founder.   The town is a good stopping point for travelers going either south to the capital or north towards the Port City of Swanrock. With trade going in both directions as well the town has been fairly prosperous which allowed several individuals to rise to a higher class then to their fellow residents.

Industry & Trade

People in this town do one of three things to get by; craft things to sell to traveling merchants and travelers, gather raw resources to sell to those who craft, or provide a service for people living or visiting the town.


The town primarily survives off of trade thus boasting a well equipped dockyard. Nearby the docks is a well sized market place for travelers to buy and sell their items as well as the towns large clock tower. Surrounding and protecting the people is a large wooden wall with several watch towers placed near the gates.    The town itself has a good enough sewer system as well as a central well with water blessed and purified by the resident Cleric, The roads are overdue to be repaved and are starting to wear down after decades of travelers.


  • 1 Baker
  • 1 Tattoo Artist
  • 1 General Store
  • 1 Tanner
  • 1 Jeweler
  • 1 Blacksmith
  • 1 Bathhouse
  • Multiple Fishmongers
  • 1 Butcher
  • 1 Cleric
  • 1 Carpenter
  • 1 Magic Shop
  • 1 Three tailors
  • 1 Ropemaker
  • 2 Masons
  • 1 Inn
  • 1 Stable
  • 1 Saddler

Guilds and Factions

The three guilds are the Rock Breakers, the Augers and the Gold Pockets.  
  • The Rock Breakers is comprised of the various miners who've banded together in order to not be taken advantage of, sent into overly dangerous areas, underpaid and overall to protect the ones doing the work. The Guild is led by a Dwarf named Harvey Stonehand.
  • The Augers is a guild started by two weathermen named Jim and Tim who happen to be twin brothers. They're attempting to gather more members and you can find them near the clock tower shouting out the weather for that day and what to expect tomorrow. 
  • The Gold Pockets are a guild formed by the various merchants in town who made an arrangement to never undersell one another in order to keep profits high and costs low. They have no official leader but the de facto leader is a Elven man by the name of Lyf. 


There is very little to do for the common traveler other then drink at the inn, buy a few items, sleep at the inn and then continue on your way.  The Inn itself is a large building operating at almost full capacity every day with new guests coming every night.


The town is located on a flat plains alongside Lake Aion. Nearby are several small forests as well as easy access to the nearby Frost Mountains where the local Mining guild (The Rock Breakers) gathers raw materials to sell to the towns artisans.

Natural Resources

Outside the town proper is a mixture of farmland and forest as well Lake Aion. There are several rivers nearby both leading into and out of the lake itself.
Owning Organization

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Cover image: by Colby
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