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Her Ladyship Ayuka (a.k.a. Our Lady of Thorns)

The goddess of nature, Ayuka is followed by many who find their alleigance in the wild. Her faithful make constant efforts to keep nature from harm and secure all lives are respected.

Much like a rose, Ayuka represents the beauty of nature and the wrath that comes from harming it. Her followers won't hesitate to use force if need be to drive potential threats away from their sanctuaries.

Divine Domains

Nature, Life, Light, Death.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

A bouquet of red spider lilies.

Tenets of Faith

  • Respect. Life deserves it in all of it's stages and forms.
  • Loss. Loss is a change that must be embraced. Grieving is fine, but dwelling on the past too long makes you lose focus on the future.
  • Protection. The weak shall never live in fear for the existence of the strong should prevent this.

Mental characteristics

Mental Trauma

During the Betrayal, she was incarcerated in The Abyss, a realm devoid of everything. There she was trapped for centuries, developing a crippling fear of loneliness.

Morality & Philosophy

Vivamus, moriendum est. Ayuka encourages acceptance of all stages of life, even those beyond the material plane of existence. However, she also appreciates the value of materaial life and the bonds that come with it.


Hurting nature is considered to be a great affront against the Mother of Thorns and is punished severely by her followers.


Family Ties

As most deities, during the Betrayal of the Primordials, Ayuka was forced to fight those who had given her life. Both titans where felled and she was left without anymore relatives.

Being alone wasn't made for Ayuka who decided to have a child and through her wish birthed Yeuri.

Hobbies & Pets

Ayuka has always dreaded being alone. As such, when her parents were extinguished, she looked solace in creation. She began to paint the world with hues of green and create lifeforms never seen before.

Divine Classification
Intermediate deity
Chaotic Good
Honorary & Occupational Titles

Our Lady of Thorns, The Caregiver, The Blossom Maiden, The Bloom Mother.

Current Residence
Aligned Organization
Ruled Locations

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