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Lycanthropy is a condition that makes the host transform into a wolf hybrid and, in most cases, exhibit feral conduct. Unlike many people believe, lycanthropy is not a disease, it is a blood curse. It is said that it was started by a hag's curse to a gnomish bard.

Transmission & Vectors

There are two major ways of contracting lycanthropy, the first one being by the transmission if fluids with another host and the second one being to be born from a host.

Hags also play a major role in the transmission of this condition, since it is believed that the first host was a man who wronged a hag and was cursed in retaliation.


The most common way of getting a lycanthropy curse is being bitten by a werewolf. This makes the condition spread fast in rural areas where no hunter can deal with the threat of a werewolf.


  1. The symptoms begin with high fevers and profuse sweating, then the host begins to rapidly grow fur on most of their body and face.
  2. By this point the bloodshot eyes are a common ocurrence and a nauseating sensation begins to hit the host. Slowly the host might begin to percieve things they didn't before, smells, sounds. All of their senses are heightened.
  3. Finally, comes the transformation. On full moon nights, the host involuntarily turns into a wolf hybrid. Bloodlust might take over in some cases, but in those in which it doesn't primal senses are still heightened. There have been reports of some hosts being able to transform on their own accord.


Lycanthropy can be cured by clerics of the highest grade via the curse removement spells. Another cure is for the host to submerge themselves in holy water. The latter is said to be extremely painful, as the holy water burns away the curse leaving holy flame scars.


Though non-lethal, untreated lycanthropy might lead to severe degradation of the host's cognitive functions as well as deterioration of the host's mind. It begins with uncontrollable bloodlust, then with thrill for the hunt and in the end the host becomes no different from a beast.

Hosts & Carriers

Hosts are easy to recognize due to their unusually furry bodies, their bigger canines and their distinctive wolven eyes. Though carriers are harder to identify in the early stages.


Carrying holy water while traversing werewolf infested lands is reccomended. Though in late stages of the condition it might be a painful and radical solution, it is a really effective prevention right after being bitten.


The royal lineage of the kingdom of Nyesari are afflicted with the lycanthropy curse. However, they treat it as a blessing, a connection to the natural world. Those who inherit the curse ascend to the throne to further spread the blessing.

Cultural Reception

Lycanthropy is generally seen as a curse and a blight. However there are those who see it as a blessing and rejoice in the power this condition bestows upon them.

Circles of lycathropy hosts reside in different forests across Neoria. Some of these circles are friendly or don't interact with non-curse bearers at all. Nontheless, there are more radical groups that hunt those who enter their territories. The most infamous of this groups is Razor, a circle of very aggressive werewolves that reside in the depths of the Fanged Woods.

Chronic, Acquired & Congenital

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