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The Explorer's Tomb

The Explorer's Tomb is the forest where the calamity of the forests resides. It is located in the Viceroyalty of Nyserai near the city of Withershire. The corruption from the forest expands slowly every hundred years and is starting to eat the aforementioned city.


The forest is a vast extense of land covered by blackened trees that are coated in corruption. From the outside of the forest, the only thing that can be made out is the Cravenman's peak, which breaks through the dense fog blanketing the forest.

Lakes within the forest turned murky with time, giving it a look more akin to a swamp than a forest.

Ecosystem Cycles

During winter, the shadow creatures that lurk through this forest are the most active due to the lack of sunlight. On the counterpart, in summer most creatures go inactive during the day, making it easier to traverse the forest.

Localized Phenomena

A thick violet colored fog blankets the entirety of the Explorer's Tomb. It is poisonous and if inhaled for long periods of time it can lead to severe headaches and lost of reflexes. On extremely rare cases it may lead to death, however the most frightening part of exposure to it is it's corrupting properties.

Fauna & Flora

The Explorer's Tomb is populated by many nightmare inducing monstrousities, as well as creatures of shadow. The emotions from those who got trapped in the forest resonate with those of the Flower of Corruption giving birth to awful creatures known as sorrowsworn. Sorrowsworn populate most of the forest and hunt down those who are fool enough to enter the forest.

Treants and woodland spirits also populate the forest. However, corruption has taken a toll in these creatures, making them crooked and haunting.

Plants get wilder and more dangerous the more you approach to the calamities heart. Corpse flowers hunt in the outer rims of the forest. They are usually enough to spook the average traveler. Nonetheless there are still adventurers and raiding parties who try their luck against the forest's locals every once in a while, with a variety of results.

Natural Resources

Nothing edible to the average person grows on the Explorer's Tomb. Most creatures that inhabit the cursed forest had developed an inherent resistance the poison of this plants. Despite this, it's important to note that any of these plants berries are highly posionous to the everyday men.


The Explorer's Tomb used to be known as Boreas Silva. It was a beautifully vast forest in which many villages of tree dwellers prospered. The most notable of this cities was Maldarul, a city on the western borders of the forest governed for many years by her ladyship, countess Aurora Von Ataraxia. This however was many years before the calamity.

On the year 1186 B.C, the forest was raided by a powerful beast, a five headed dragon with overwhelming power that burnt the whole forest with everyone in it to the ground in less than a week. The damage to the forest was beleived to be unreparable, but only three days after the calamity left, the forest raised again. Trees ruptured the earth and grew in seconds, bushes grew anew and then it all turned sour. The forest exuded a dense violet fog that enveloped not only it, but also the surrounding villages. The fog was poisonous if inhaled for long periods of time and most people had to flee their homes.

Just when everyone thought it couldn't get worst, she appeared. A grim faced knight covered in a thick layer of the bark solidified by the fog. She marched to Maldarul, where the greatest temple of the Light Bearer was. In her way there she killed everyone donning any symbology of Ilona. She then destroyed the temple and wandered into the forest never to be seen again.

The inquisitors of the Light Bearer formed several raiding parties to eliminate the foul creature that desacreted the holiest place. None of them where to ever return again.

Alternative Name(s)
The Forest of Calamity
Characters in Location

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