Ba Nabia

Ba Nabia, translated literally as "natal home", is a section of the Bunia Rainforest considered by members of the Avaron to be the birthplace of all Avaron ancestors.  


  The native people of the Bunia Rainforest believe Ba Nabia to be a sacred pool from which life can be sprung. Though the original rituals they believe to have birthed the Avaron, if they exist, were never recorded, but an alleged adaptation of the ritual exists in the form of the Nabia Bi Varon, a fertility ritual calling upon the Gods to assist in their continued legacy.   The colloquial term for the constant clear weather above the clearing is roughly translated to "sky's blessing"; believed to be a boon from the Gods Themselves that imbues the area with holy protection.   Visitors are not welcome within Ba Nabia. Though the Avaron are an isolated peoples, they do on occasion seek relationships with those outside of their peoples. but these visitors must first be blessed by the waters. This involves an elaborate ritual performed by the family wishing to accept the newcomer, but this guest will be considered cursed and cast out if they set foot within the clearing themselves.


Found within the heart of the rainforest, Ba Nabia is a large clearing protected, as much of the forest is, by large trees that provide natural cover from the worst of the rainfall that occurs within the forest. The foliage surrounding the clearing are thick and encompassing, creating an almost complete wall between the clearing and the rest of the forest, if not for a small opening barely visible that locals use to enter and leave.   Within the clearing lies a large waterfall that flows into a lake that occupies much of the clearing. What little of the canopy is not covered by foliage allows sunlight to peel through in shimmering rays that catch on the waters, giving a constant shimmering effect during sunny days and moonlit nights.   The waters themselves are clear and unusually free of life, with a shimmering layer of naturally polished stones visible in its depths. The grounds surrounding it are frequently covered with rotting leaves and debris from the surrounding trees, although any corpses of the animals that live in its surroundings are carried away by locals.

Localized Phenomena

Though there is a natural canopy protecting from rainfall, the trees are largely not needed -- as it never rains within this clearing. Native Avaron believe the phenomena to be divine protection, keeping the conditions perfect so that they might gather and pray there at any time.   As a result, the area is also used as shelter from the worst of the monsoons that carry through the rainforest.

Natural Resources

The two main resources within Ba Nabia is the freshwater and sediment that live within the waterfall and lake. While their removal from the glade is forbidden outside of specific ritual purpose, healers are permitted to take a limited amount of stone and water from the glade to aid in their craft.   The stones within the waters, largely rainforest Jasper, are naturally perfectly round and considered to contain healing properties, as do the mineral-rich and remarkably clear waters.
Location under
Related Tradition (Primary)

Cover image: by Silvana Lingg