Xija Island (/ɕi-jɑ/)

Xija is a small island to the north of Achia, owned by the The Kingdom of Jadori. It is largely uninhabited, though sees frequent footfall by storm chasers and religious pilgrimages due to the large number of storms, earthquakes and tsunamis the area is known for.


The island of Xija is a small piece of land largely populated by temperate forest. A small beach borders the south side of the island, and various small bodies of water exist within the forest. Despite the frequent natural disasters, much of the forest remains intact, though many fallen trees and debris carried by storms lay scattered about the island.   The island also holds a large cave system that snakes through the entirety of the land, with varying entrance and exit points and some areas more accessible than others. These caves are often used by visitors to shelter from danger but have been known to collapse or flood, trapping people inside.   Despite the turbulent nature of the island, many small animals and insects make Xija their home. It is estimated that there are up to a thousand different species of insect and twenty species of birds on the island, as well as a vast array of flora.


Xija is a largely warm, sunny island with a consistent cool breeze. All four seasons are observed, however, with Spring and Autumn being notorious for natural disasters and extreme weather patterns, for reasons not entirely understood. While some say the island's proximity to Tel Padria is part of the cause, citing magical means for these unusually violent weather patterns, others attribute it to the perfect combination of coincidences -- its proximity to volcanic activity, its location along a point where two tectonic plates meet, and its distance from the mainland.   Whatever the cause, Xija is considered one of the most meteorologically interesting sites in the world. For several months at a time the island is battered by storms, earthquakes, tsunamis and even small tornadoes on occasion. This makes it a hot spot for both storm chasers who wish to observe and map the unusual weather, and various religious groups who believe the weather to be a sign from the Gods or a direct result of The Great Cataclysm.   Due to a high number of casualties, injuries and missing persons among tourists to the island, however, travel to and from Xija is heavily restricted by Jadori authorities, with all parties requiring at least one member adept in survival and one in first-aid to gain passage to the island, and all travellers must be journeying for scientific or religious reasons.
Owning Organization

Cover image: by Greg Bierer