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The Ascension of Ok'Magar

When Ok’Magar was the Clanfather of the First Orcs, he was visited by dreams of ships being tossed about in a storm on the ocean. Though his clan were skilled shipbuilders, no ships they had were sturdy enough to travel past the placid inland seas of their lands.   He took this dream to mean that he was destined to match the raw chaos of the seas with his own cunning. For three years, he oversaw the construction of a fleet of seven ships, each larger than any his clan had made before. In fact, each was larger than would be practical in the rivers of their ancestral homeland.   At the end of these three years, he directed each ship to navigate as far into the ocean as possible, laden with every member of the clan that could fit upon them. Many refused to leave their homes on the riverbanks. At this, Ok’Magar did not dismay. “I will find you again,” he promised, “and return with the riches of the world to you, my family.”   Ok’Magar then waited in the open ocean for three days and three nights, until a storm set upon his small fleet. He demanded all but the smallest sails taken in, and directed each captain on how to withstand the deluge of rain and wind and waves that beset them.   For another three full days, he and his crews battled the elements. On the first day, three ships succumbed to the wind and waves. On the second day, two more ships overturned and sank, their crews lost to the bottom. On the final day, a bolt of lightning set one of the last two ships aflame, and the crew was unable to prevent the damage from disabling their vessel entirely. However, at the end of the ordeal, Ok’Magar's ship looked out over the final sunrise to a tranquil sea with a solid wind upon it. Without hesitation, he set the sails in the direction of this wind.   With one final day of travel, he came upon a small island in the middle of the ocean. This island held much fruit and fresh water upon it. While his crew members refilled their stores and mourned their dead compatriots, Ok’Magar found, upon the center of the island, a stone bowl containing what appeared to be lightning itself. Knowing now his destiny, and the cause of his sacrifice, Ok’Magar took the bowl in his hand and drank of its contents.   Instantly, Ok’Magar knew what had been done; he had been directed to some last, pure sliver of Molous's chaotic power remaining on Naria, and demonstrated the courage and sacrifice necessary to claim it. He from that point forward ascended, destined to direct the powers of storm and sea. As thanks to his people, he gifted them with incredible insights, and charged them with expanding their dominion via the waves, rather than over land.   It is for this reason that Orcs today are known to have a knack for boatmanship, and why the largest ocean in the world is called the Magarene Ocean.
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