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The Revelation of the Void

Ok’Magar and Cevena, after the former’s ascension, became fast friends. Across the times in which they walk among mortals, (often disguised, albeit poorly,) they revel in the delights of drinking, companionship, and shows of strength and valor.   On one day, after hearty helpings of ale, Cevena challenged Ok’Magar to a race to the end of the known existence. Each fashioned a ship with which to sail across the sky and cosmos, and they began their breakneck trip to the edge of the universe.   After seven days of travel, each found their way to the end of the stars. Both Ok’Magar and Cevena claim victory over the other in their race, but purely as an afterthought, for each was immediately consumed with the sight before them.   At the edge of what could be known as matter and planes lay a malevolent emptiness. It was empty because it contained nothing, but malevolent because that nothing, somehow, wished to consume them. Each overcame their lighthearted inebriation in an instant, as this Void turned its ire onto the two gods and their vessels, and attempted to consume them. A flurry of hateful voices and tendrils of force assaulted the two nearly instantly.   After brief attempts to fight, both Cevena and Ok’Magar resolved to flee, and turned what remained of their vessels back towards the familiarity of the Material Plane. Once there, they alerted the remainder of the pantheon to their discovery, and convened a council to determine the correct course of action.

Variations & Mutation

Different cultures have different variations on who won the race itself. Elven societies, generally, will favor Cevena, while Orcish societies will generally favor Ok’Magar.   The reactions of the gods to the Void also vary by culture. Some cultures will describe the gods beating back the Void handily, and returning triumphant. In versions of the tale told to children, the gods do not encounter an existential threat to their existence at all; rather, they find some Fiend lord hiding at the edge of the Material Plane, and fight it back to the Lower Planes where it belongs.
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