Archibald Docksfeild Character in Nerth | World Anvil
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Archibald Docksfeild

Archibald Docksfeild

Archibald Docksfeild was born into an extreme church of torm, a sect so harline they had been turned away by the other orders of torm and had become deeply isolated. seperated from his birth parents and instead raised be the church community as a group, it wasnt long before the wolves in sheeps clothing came out and a senior member of the church began to beat Arch. Achibald was abused both physically and mentally most of his childhood but the day came where he was old enough to escape the church.   After his escape Archibald spent a couple of years homeless doing whatever it took to get by but every night and day a hate boiled away inside the young man eating at him until there was no more he coould take. Power could be easy to find if you were desperate enough to ignore the great cost that came with it. a dark botherhood promised him the power to act his revenge on the church and finally be a free man and Archi jumped at the chance. it wasnt untill fire that had been the church buildings threated to burn the gods themselves and the coutless dead impailed on the rought iron fence, that Arch had realised the great cost the brotherhood had taken from him.   Time passed and as the days went by Arch grew to regret what he had done and the powers he had used to do it. Now he keeps them hidden doing his best to help who he coould without them only using them in the most desperate situations

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

a healthy frame lies undearneath the body of an ageing man, well used and well trained mussles lay in wait.

Facial Features

a sharp nose broken may times and a strong jaw hidden bellow a thin layer of greying stubble, deep brown eyes that look with a kindness that can only come from a knewledge of pain. hair kept short enough to not be in the way but kept without any real thought on style

Apparel & Accessories

Arch will often be seen in one of two outfits, the first his armour a long coat of scale mail worn over a thin cusioning gambason, its studded sleaves protecting his arms and simular studded leather shin guards protecting his legs.   The other outfit was his "casual wear" mostly the same clothes as his armoured kit with with all of the heavy peices of armour removed and often sporting a dark brown dirty old road cloak.   There are two items that stand out and make an appearnce in both outfits, one is his old and much repared knitted woolen hat he was given on the streets y the first kind soul in many cold winters, and the second a charred symbol of torm taken from the body of the head preist drug from the flames and impailed on the fences with all the others.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Archibald Docksfeild was born into an extreme church of torm, a sect so harline they had been turned away by the other orders of torm and had become deeply isolated. seperated from his birth parents and instead raised be the church community as a group, it wasnt long before the wolves in sheeps clothing came out and a senior member of the church began to beat Arch. Achibald was abused both physically and mentally most of his childhood but the day came where he was old enough to escape the church. After his escape Archibald spent a couple of years homeless doing whatever it took to get by but every night and day a hate boiled away inside the young man eating at him until there was no more he coould take. Power could be easy to find if you were desperate enough to ignore the great cost that came with it. a dark botherhood promised him the power to act his revenge on the church and finally be a free man and Archi jumped at the chance. it wasnt untill fire that had been the church buildings threated to burn the gods themselves and the coutless dead impailed on the rought iron fence, that Arch had realised the great cost the brotherhood had taken from him.   Time passed and as the days went by Arch grew to regret what he had done and the powers he had used to do it. Now he keeps them hidden doing his best to help who he coould without them only using them in the most desperate situations


taught under the priests in the church of Torm, Arch learned the basics of math and the common language. that being said most of his education was on the book of the gods that the preist favoured above all other topics.


nothing offical, just living from odd job to odd job doing what ever he can, most often than not living off the kindness of strangers or in some more rare cases staying with other ex members of the church making sure everyone is still safe and well.

Mental Trauma

the abuse he receaved as a child, the things he did as revenge, the twised process used to give him his powers.

A deeply caring man with a mixed and sometimes painful past, looking to help anyone that needs it and keep spreading happiness throughout the land.

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deep earthy brown
mostly silver grey with some black in the roots
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
light skin with a deep age to it
apppox 6ft

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