Chult Geographic Location in Nerth | World Anvil
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"While being the birthplace of the resurrection spell, Chult is still one of the deadliest place that we have discovered. It's harsh lands, that are filled with creatures fighting for survival, the rivers are filled with diseases and there are rumours of a blue mist, that turn the sanest men to lunacy"-Sir night   Located south east of baldur's gate, Chult is a remote land, inhabiting hulking creatures, disease-ridden swaps and the un-dead swarming the thick parts of the jungle. Tribes are spotted all across the land, hidden from the dangers. Despite all the dangers faced adventurers still venture to gain gold and glory.    The primordial Ubtao is almost only revered in the lands, after the god was awarded dominion over Chult in exchange for vigilance over the threat in peak of flames.    Most days Chult is famous for the birthplace of the resurrection spell, many accounts speak about an old lady hidden within the jungle. Small reports speak about that she is a powerful spell caster.
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