Dezum Balranth Character in Nerth | World Anvil
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Dezum Balranth

The Barron of Artois Dezum Balranth (a.k.a. The serpent of the north)

Dezum rules over a town and few villages collectively known as Artois. Most would call him reclusive and there are certainly some who would call him strange.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

In his human form, Dezum has the physique of an old soldier. He his tried and tested but is apparent age softens him around the edges    In his true form he is a sight to behold,  his long and powerful form glistens with the hints of gold carried from his father's bloodline . Whilst in the society of dragons his mixed blood is seen as a oddity, mortal eyes are often shocked and struck with awe at his natural form

Body Features

A proud and tall man with a strong presence.

Facial Features

In his human form his face is sports a well kept beard and a discrete set of scars across his left eye    In his true form his face is similar to other gold and red dragons, although the he has lost the regal barbules of a gold dragon, a set of powerful sweeping horns crown his head and eyes like liquid gold give him a deep range of vision.

Special abilities

While Dezum isn't a caster his is an innately magical creature and thus has a small selection of magical abilities. The first is his ability to change form. Although his true form is the most comfortable and powerful of his forms sometimes the ability to hide in amongst the human population is useful , especially as it makes it easier to collect their many stories.    The second of his magical abilities is a minor magic flight, although this flight is nothing compared to the grace and speed of his true forms wings, his magic flight is useful in his human form as there are many situations in which a adventurer might need the power of flight

Apparel & Accessories

His human form is dressed as befitting a baron with a fine shirt of scale mail and well crafted journeying clothes beneath. He carries his gear in a framed knapsack made from fine leathers, this his sword and his shield look to be the only pieces of equipment that have seen real use.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

The union that created Dezum is a truly are occasion. Typically chromatic and metallic dragons to not mate but there are acceptions to every rule. Dezum was always accepted by his father, who raised him for the few years dragons require, but his mother (who was the red half of the equation) was completely absent from Dezums life. Alas due to the small amount of parenting a dragon needs this wasnt as much of a draw on him as it might have been for a human child in a similar situation. Dezum quickly head into the world and while he was loved by his father other dragons saw him as a strange oddity some evening going as far as to shun him. Naturally this pushed Dezum away from mixing with dragons but this doesn't mean he has been idol. Dezum has spent many years embroiled in human affairs often enjoying the drama they create for themselves.

Gender Identity





Dezums education came from all corners of the world, when you live as long as a dragon their is no rush to school all in one go. He was taught a great amount by his father when he was a younger dragon and later he learnt many more interesting things from the courts and houses of noble society, he spent some years moving though human universities learning what they had to offer and many a dark night has been passed in the company of a good book.

Accomplishments & Achievements

While most of his accomplishments are lost to the small history books of minor noble houses what Dezum would list as his most proud achievement would be his caring and protection of Artois. With a powerful creature such as Dezum to guard them the people of Artois live comfortably.

Failures & Embarrassments

One of Dezums deepest most guarded failures is that of genetics, his mixed breeding leaves him completely infertile and this failure haunts him on quiet days

Mental Trauma

His shunning from the society of other dragons has left him scarred and unwilling to mix and deal with others of his kind.

Intellectual Characteristics

Dezum is a deeply inquisitive creature especially when it comes to the complex short lives or humans. He takes pride in his hoard of stories tucked away in his manor home.

Morality & Philosophy

Dezum like most dragons lives by a code. His code includes the protection of innocence life and the collection of stories and gold.


Although Dezum like all dragons is a great collector of wealth he finds it a great taboo not to gift hosts of any situation with valuable treasures.    Dezum has spent so long deep in court intrigue that alot of his taboos a wrapped up in the traditions of noble houses, for example he believes it taboo to appear at ones door without prior notice.

Personality Characteristics


Dezum is motivated by his draconic need for gold and treasures and his interest in the lives of humans

Savvies & Ineptitudes

While his knowledge is broad he often finds it difficult to distinguish between some of the humanoid races.    He also is useless on horse back and cannot sail to save his life   His human form singing voice is off key and he is terrible with getting lost in cities and towns

Likes & Dislikes

He loves all things humanoid, Their cultures and lives.    He holds every much true to the old saying, all wise men fear 3 things:    A sea at storm  A moonless night  And the anger of a gentle man    And so his dislikes all of these things

Virtues & Personality perks

Brave and noble. Will often take a hit to guard others.

Vices & Personality flaws

His kinds lust of treasures has not missed him and the lure of gold is one he finds hard to resist


A very clean individual, taking great pride in the shine of his scales


Contacts & Relations

His father Maloss the golden light    His staff at the house    The noble houses Dunless and Taloon

Family Ties

His father

Religious Views

Dezum holds no particular god above any other.

Social Aptitude

In dragon society an outcast useless in any social situation   Perfectly comfortable with the dealings of men.

Hobbies & Pets

Finding more stories to add to his great hoard


Dezum speaks in a well rounded voice that often sounds like it sound be coming from a great wide mouth no matter his form.

Wealth & Financial state

Dezum has amassed a good amount of wealth over his life so far, as most dragons are will to do. At the moment his his one of the wealthiest Barron's in the area.

The reclusive Barron of Artois. Refined, strong willed and inquisitive but the Barron is more than he may seem.

Current Location
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Lawful good
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Barron a the Artois valley  The serpent of the north
Approx 450 years old
The high mountains
Current Residence
His manor lair in Artois
Warm gold
Dark Salt and pepper
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Peachy with a like of sun from the jungle
6ft one in human form
Quotes & Catchphrases
You should winter in my manor in Artois.   Nothing stops the Barron!
Known Languages
Draconic common elvish dwarven orcish

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