Kellen Demore Character in Nerth | World Anvil
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Kellen Demore

Kellen Demore

Kellen Demore, raised by the birds and the trees, trained by the streets of waterdeep. A proficent criminal who moves under the alias "The black leaf" named such after a blackend leaf was found at the scene of many major burglaries.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

a thin frame because of his barely there diet but still pretty fit because of the constant exersise that is a theives trade.

Body Features

dexterous and delecate hands that given his life style are well looked after. his face would be described as plain if not a little too thin. all over slender and nimble

Facial Features

At first glance a fairly plain face, nothing that stands out in a crowd but given a deeper inspection, one notices sunken cheeks from a poor diet. Yet life seems to raidiate from his peachy skin as if nothing was wrong at all. Kellen keeps no facial hair  and looks surpisingly clean.

Identifying Characteristics

His hair, much the opposite of his face, would stand out from a good mile away. it seems the very picture of health and almost looks to move and float as if filled with its own life. if one looks closely they would noitce all manner of willow leaves mixed in his hair, as if he had just rolled down a hill, execpt these leaves are alive and if left undisturbed will grow out as normal hair does. As the season come and go, his hair and eyes along with it change. The strong blonds and greens of the sumer give was to warm browns and oranges in the autum months. The pale whites and greys of the winter give way in the spring to lighter browns and pale yellows.

Physical quirks

on days with a heavy rain or with a deep fog, you would almost swear that kellen would dissapear compeletly is image vanishing in the confusion.

Special abilities

As a Half dryad kellen has many abilities he has dicovered over the years. He can talk to any animal or plant as if they shared a language, the plants and animals seem to seem him as one of their own. He can vanish in natural phenomena such as rain, fog, mist, or faling leaves, protected and hidden by nature. He can call upon powerful magic casting all manner of helpful spell and can take the form of animals moving compleltly unnoticed in the most secure of locations.

Apparel & Accessories

Kellen is often dressed in the image of a rouge. A dark green, almost black, road cloak hanging off his sholders. his pack filled ith the many tools of his dark trade. deep brown leather armour and dark clothes beneath all chosen to keep him hidden and safe.

Specialized Equipment

around kellens neck is his casting impalment, the only thing that was on him when he was left on the parents doorstep. its a small ring crafted from seemingly ever living wood. it connects him to his true mothers forest and alows him to channel his magics.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Born though the union of man and fey spirit kellen was abandoned by his true mother and left on the doorstep, with nothing but his neckless, of Mr and Mrs Demore. The Demores had 9 childen at this point (the number would eventually grow to 13 inculding kellen) and so one more wasnt such a big deal. the household was busy to say the least and on top of all that they were one thin copper peice above aboslute poverty. there was never enough food to go around and so if you werent at the table in time you simply didnt get fed. This meant more times than not the misfit that was young kellen went hungry. That was until the plants and creatures of the cty began to whisper to him. They tought him all manner of things but mostly how to survive off what he could find. This evolved with time and kellen had taken to stealing to put food on his mothers table. Now a proficent criminal Kellen steals for the highest bidder or just to sell his goods to his fence in the waterdeep black market.

Gender Identity





kellens traditonal schooling was basic teaching him, basic maths history and english. His true schooling came from the achient trees that lived in one of the city parks. They tought him most of the academic knowledge he knows to this day.


Kellen works as a thief stealing and selling items to his fence. often taking jobs to steal targeted items from varoius members of the local nobles.

Accomplishments & Achievements

multiple large scale thefts of noble manners.

Failures & Embarrassments

One of his biggest jobs, a theft of a priceless painting, went completely wrong early this year and it has put the guard hot on his tail. The painting in question turned out to be cursed, whilst cutting it from it frame Kellen was bombarded with terrible visions alerting the entire house to his activities.

Mental Trauma

being abandond by his true mother has had a lasting impact on his ability to trust women.

Intellectual Characteristics

trys to stay light hearted, often spends time with animals prefering their company to that of people. has a magpie like eye trained to look for things of value. constantly looking for new opporunities.

Morality & Philosophy

Doesnt think too much about his crimes as he only steals from those that can afford it, or takes only the bare essentals.


doesnt eat any meat that hasnt died painlessly, only eating plant matter that can be collected without killing the plant.

Personality Characteristics


kellens is mostly here for the money but the allure of escaping the heat of the guard is a gift in its self

Savvies & Ineptitudes

kellen isnt great with the finer parts of society be them interacting with nobles or trying his luck with women

Likes & Dislikes

kellen loves the challenge of a good job, the art of the work he would call it. on his down time he enjoys spending time with animals and exploring the nooks and crannies of any given location.

A Half dryad thief who makes use of his natural magics to rob and steal in the name of survival, and maybe a little extra gold.

View Character Profile
chaotic neutral
30 but after the age of 20 half Dryads age at a much slower rate than humans
changes with the season matching his hair
changes with the season matching his eyes
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
soft peach
6ft ish
Known Languages
common and Sylvan

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