Ozwald Mandrake Character in Nerth | World Anvil
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Ozwald Mandrake

Ozwald Mandrake

Ozwald Mandrake, nomadic mystic. Trained in the secret art, traveling the world looking for knowledge and experiences. Calm untill pushed and known to hold a grudge. Tries to do good by the world to amend for the damages he caused as a child.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Slim built mostly through a lifestyle of constant travel eating only what he could carry or get hold of.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Born into a well off merchant house, ozwalds first few years of life were comfortable and pampered to say the least. His every need was seen to and a hired nanny never left his side. This however is not the child hood that ozwald remembers, it wasn't long before his powers began to manifest. His natural ability to weird the secret art left him dangerous and unpredictable with no one to train him in control emotional outbursts could easily mean the death of anyone nearby. After a while it grew too much for his house to deal with and they left him in the hands of a traveling tribe that came through the city once a year, people had said they were the remnants of the traveling mystics of old. The family had hoped that the tribe would know how to tame his powers

Gender Identity

Male, him, he


Straight but mostly uninterested in sexuality as he fears the deep vulnerability of intimacy.


Trained in the secret art almost everything he knows about anything by his mentor and adopted father, master Humet


Spent most of his young life wandering and trading with his tribe, now employed by a wealthy benefactor to seek out the source of the curse

Accomplishments & Achievements

A mastery over his powers and a fantastic skill at meditation

Failures & Embarrassments

The damage he caused as a child whilst learn still shames him to this day, he hopes to do right by the world as a form of repayment

Mental Trauma

The damages he caused as a child

Intellectual Characteristics

Calm most of the time but when pushed to anger he will the fullest extent of his power in his rage. Has a deep distain for systems of authority finding it difficult to understand. Has a habit of hold grudges much to his master's distain

Morality & Philosophy

A mans fate should be his own. Those that have the power to do good have a responsibility to do good.

Personality Characteristics


Do good by the world, keep moving and seeing new things , make new friends and bonds along the way


Contacts & Relations

His tribe and his master, the other members of the party. A few kind inn keepers and journey men his tribe knew

Family Ties

His blood parents are unknown to him but his master is like a father to him

Religious Views

Respects all god's but doesn't understand the need for structured religions

24 year old traveling mystic, seeking out knowledge and friendship whilst learning to master his powers.

Current Location
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Chaotic good
Approximately 24
Current Residence
Sky blue
Chestnut brown
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Light with a light tanning
5'11 ish

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