PTJ Character in Nerth | World Anvil
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Shield Of Crew PTJ (a.k.a. Big J)

Big J, a huge amalgamation of both steel and nature. Standing at 7"2 he is a force of nature with a kind heart and passion to help and shield those who need it. Not the smartest of the crew but possibly the bravest, he may not know what hes getting into but he sure will get out the other end without a scratch.   He'll welcome anyone in and probably spill too much about his personal life and his past that is unknown to him with only it being images and some small memories of what he was before.   With a heart literally aflame hes is the one you want on your side.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Big J is built like a tank mixed with Plated Armour and Druid Craft body underneath. Who did this and how is unknown even to Big J. He has a blue fire caged off which is his magical heart. One large blue light that is his eye. A large cape with a hood on and a large great sword and a shield on his back. He has 3 fingers and a thumb and only 2 toes.

Body Features

His one large eye, Furnace in his chest, Tree roots and leaves at joints, $ fingers on each hand and 2 toes.

Facial Features

He has a large blue light eye in the centre of his head, he does have a mouth but only for speech. His head is made from a plated helmet mixed with Warforged and druid craft. He is able to open and close his eye.

Identifying Characteristics

His whole Warforged body, Giant Shield and Sword.

Physical quirks

Welded hatch in his chest that shows is heart furnace. His large singular eye. He stomps a lot because of his weight.

Special abilities

Paladin Jesus Powers.

Apparel & Accessories

His body is made out of Plate armour that is made in different patterns all over his body. He has a very large cloak that can hide most of his body.

Specialized Equipment

In Sword and Shield.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Big J only has memory from just the past 3 years. He woke up confused and in a complete different body. He awoke in an old greenhouse, pots with plants that have been dead for a long time, water that has been there for a long time that now has gone stagnant. Window panes missing and the door half attached to the green house.   Leaving he had no memory of his past from that moment. He was confused, lost and now a giant metal and wood Warforged. As he stumbles off the table he was laying on he leaves and sees a huge abandoned mansion. He stumbles towards and enters as the doors have been blasted open. Old burn marks around the large whole in the doors. Big J steps in and walks around a heavily looted and empty mansion, seeing the paintings on the wall faded, old furniture torn and ripped apart and stairs that was destroyed from the top meaning there's no way up.   Big J wonders the halls of this mansion, confused and panicked. He walks around the mansion constantly for hours, around and around till he eventually sits in the main hall and cries. No tears and whimpering.   From dawn and now it slowly becomes dust, Big J in the same position sits motionless and not knowing what to do. Struggling to remember anything of his past until something catches his eye. A hidden door in the hall leading to the living room creeks open slowly, not sure if someone opened it Big J walks to it cautiously since he is weaponless and a bit clumsy as he gets used to his new body.   Opening the door very slowly it leads down to a room that is dimly lighted by a small window. J goes down and looks around, he see paperwork all over the floor and desks, jar filled with all different sorts of things and a decayed dead body in the chair by the desk.   It seems that the body has been here for a very long amount of time, J looks around the room and notices a letter that is held tight in the body. J opens it and it reads:   "I know this must be confusing to you my big friend. I'm sorry I couldn't be there to wake you up, listen you have to find a Druid named Akorn he will know more and explain to you what happened. You're new name is PTJ (Protection Travel Juggernaut). Do what you will with it. Take the shield and the sword, they will become second nature to you if everything went well. You'll discover new abilities as you go, hopefully."   "Good luck friend. Jeremiad"   Big J only having this to go off he heads out and starts walking down a very old pathway mostly overgrown in hopes that it leads to some type of town. 2 weeks of travel wondering around hoping to find some town Big J finally stumbles upon a city named Farbrook. There he seeks help to find this Akron. There he hones in his skill of using a sword and shield, become comfortable in his new body and even get an apprentice who is also a Warforged named 2B. They both head out together Last of Us style and try to find more about Big J.

Gender Identity

Big J says he was once a man but isn't sure himself. He thinks he was but nothing shows that he defiantly was.


Big J doesn't have one, he wasn't sure if he was a man or a woman before but he believes he was most likely a man. But as a 7 foot Warforged love will be hard to come by.


Big J has past education, he has basic education and now new knowledge of his new found powers and skills.


He has none now and not sure of what he did in his past life.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Gaining his skills of being a paladin and mastering a sword and shield.

Failures & Embarrassments

His not so smart self gets himself into trouble or gets in a lot of confusing situations.

Mental Trauma

His awaking does trouble him as well at his past. He still struggles now not needing to eat or sleep still. The fact that he still can't find the people that did this to him and is worried that he might never find out.

Intellectual Characteristics

Without knowing why he is very good at knowing about demonic or angelic findings. Symbols, Sayings, Markings and followers. He is able to notice and recognise who they follow.   He is also very understanding on the bipedal body and is able to heal and recognise any problems they might be having. He also knows the surroundings very well. Knowing how to survive in the most deadly of areas.

Morality & Philosophy

He knows where he stands and he's views on things. He will always look into the good in people and try to look and do good as well. He's also not sure what god he looks up to and what god looks after him, he has these abilities unknowingly but holy powers for sure.


Big J is not sure what god he believes in or what god watches over him. He just knows that he is able to harness the power from it and use it to do good.

Personality Characteristics


Big J motivation for himself is to find out what happened to him and why this happened to him. Was it his choice or was it out of his control? Where is this Druid and does he have the information that Big J is looking for.   Other motivation is for Atlas and 2B. Atlas took in Big J to help him find out about his past while getting paid for it. In turn Big J is helping Atlas find his lost love Alexia. So he in on a mission to help him and save her.   2B is his apprentice, she too doesn't know what happened to her or if she was always like this. For her it's only been a few months so Big J decided to help her get used to her new body and skills. He too wants to help her find out about her past and maybe in turn find out more about his.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Big J isn't the smartest cookie in the room, he knows how to read and write and basic knowledge but if its something to do with magic or a complex's mechanism he will have no idea and would rather be the shield in front of you just in case the button you press blows up.   He also has poor timing and doesn't like serious situations so he always tries to bring up the mood even when he really shouldn't.

Likes & Dislikes

Big J loves respected and watching over people that need it. Helping them in need. He also loves music and animals. Apart from Spiders, he hates spiders. Loves to talk and drink with friends and likes to get to know people.   He hates being alone. He also hates seeing bullies or people hurting the ones that cant defend themselves. He doesn't like being talked down to. The one thing he hates the most is not knowing who he once was.

Virtues & Personality perks

Big J has he believes good virtues, he will try his best to do the right thing even if it means for him to do stuff that he may think is dangerous or life threatening. This comes from his new look of life and his new found abilities that he has learned.   Big J will always suggest the way of living and not stupidly killing yourself. Will always try to not kill the person that maybe in the wrong. Will have your back if it means good.

Vices & Personality flaws

If you cross Big J but hurting his friends or family he will be against you. This also means anything that may hurt or injure people who doesn't deserve it. Sometimes he can be in the wrong when protecting his friends, he does try to find the line between protecting friends and what's right but sometimes he does go towards his friends then the right thing.

Personality Quirks

His one eye and his chest piece are always lit, so no batter how dark a room is there is always light coming from Big J. He can still make expressions through his eye as he has a complex's mechanics that has a shutter lens that makes him look like he is blinking.   His other quirk is his chest furnace which glows a light dim blue. The fire doesn't burn you if you put you hand on it and you cannot open it no matter how hard you pull the hatch.


He's a robot so he doesn't have to worry about this. He does have a old tattered cloak on so maybe that smells funky.


Contacts & Relations

2B - His apprentice who is also going through what he is.   Mortis - He is being taught his abilities from him.   Missy - Has a crush on her and is very close friends.   Fenirous - he has spars with him a lot and is a laugh to have a drink with.   Vander - He is being taught is paladin abilities from him.   Luna - Helping him with her cleric abilities.   Pretty much everyone on the on The New Hope apart from Otto and Zoc.

Family Ties

So far of true family Big J doesn't know anyone but new family he has the crew but especially 2B, Evelynn and Luna.

Religious Views

Big J doesn't know what he believes in, he has abilities given to him by the gods but he doesn't know from who or what yet, so he is trying to find out slowly and see if the god that is watching over him match to how he wants to help and live in this world.

Social Aptitude

With the way Big J speaks sometimes it can come across aggressive or mocking the person which he doesn't mean at all. This probably is because of his cockney like slag and his sarcasm.


He talks cockney, stands straight, cleans himself a lot, sits spread, trims the leaves on his joints and collects flowers to press in a book for Evelynn.

Hobbies & Pets

Big J doesn't have any pets but would like one, not fussed what just would like one. His hobbies are sparing with friends, learning how to speak elven, learning the lute and using a ship.


Big J is basically a cockney type guy or girl. Not the best vocab either but easy to understand.

Wealth & Financial state

His Wealth isn't much as he didn't work for pay for a long time but now with The New Hope he earns more but not noticeably.

PTJ (Protection Travel Juggernaut) also known as Big J this 7’2 Foot Warforged Paladin is a Beast, mixed of mechanics and Druid craft and an fire heart.

View Character Profile
Good Netural
Honorary & Occupational Titles
He has no Titles.
Date of Birth
Green House
Current Residence
The New Hope
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Quotes & Catchphrases
That was fucking diabolical.
Known Languages
Big J knows:   Common   Orcish   Celestial

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