Terrance Markus Malefance Character in Nerth | World Anvil
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Terrance Markus Malefance

Terrance Markus Malefance

Terrance Markus Malefance   Born to a rich Noble family and sent to a expensive private school, Terrance was a great student excelling in the written and spoken word.   Upon graduating from school he was accepted into the Order of Grand poets with their funding and his father's deep pockets he has been traveling the world perfecting his poetry, he made many friends in this time, one such friend was a bagpiper called Sheldon pipes who has gone missing . Terrence put together a search party with help from his family and the Order and went deep into the jungle looking for his old friend.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Very slim built, lithe and light on his feet

Body Features

Slender, with gentle and quick hands.

Facial Features

Sharp jaw line and a sometimes stern look that is quickly dismissed by his open and friendly manner.

Identifying Characteristics

His dark hair and nobles posture

Special abilities

Uses his poetry to access the abilities gifted to him by his parton. As well as having the ability to read any written language and communicate telepathically.

Apparel & Accessories

The travel clothes of a nobleman. A heavy and well made road cloak, sturdy boots from a top end cobbler, a basic although finely crafted longsword, a notebook well used and a travelers ink pen and pot.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Born to the Malefance noble family, and cared for by mostly nannies Terrence has a distant respect for his family but they are in no way close. He looks up to the respect afforded by his father and the fine arts crafted by his mother but cannot truly say he loves them. The household help have become more of a family for him nanny marg and Digby the head butler becoming more of the traditional parental figures in his formative years before boarding school

Gender Identity



Mostly straight but university is a confusing time


Sent away to a boarding school at the young age of 8 Terrence has spent most of his life in the school system. First the crystal heights boarding school for boys and then to the university for arts and language.


Employed currently as a member of the order of Grand Poets. Producing writings for them and their publications as well as acting as a diplomat and go between for the group.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Been accepted as a member of the Order of grand poets

Failures & Embarrassments

Was recently denied by a young lady in waterdeep and it has left Terrence rather sensitive about his failure

Intellectual Characteristics

Quick and sharp tongued, particularly interested in literature in all its forms.

Morality & Philosophy

Hold semi nihilistic views towards the world but sees it as a freedom to enjoy the everyday without the pressure of a grand scheme

Personality Characteristics


Terrance is motivated by the quest for inspiration. He believes the bigger the quest the better the poem to come

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Isn't great at knowing when to hold his tongue often speaking out of turn

Likes & Dislikes

He likes a good poem of course and a dark cup of coffee. He likes warm nights around the fire and the cosy feeling of a old inn. One of his closest friends and allies is Saal Mubarak who his family bought for his protection. Although Terrance doesn't agree with the prospect of slavery he doesn't think it would be right to leave Saal without a home or work in such a cruel world. Of course if Saal ever wanted to go he would be free but the two get along so well he hopes that day never comes

Vices & Personality flaws

Can be prone to insulting people accidently and won't often let a wounded pride go. His vice can often be his love of the written word and he can be known to pay any price for a book he has his mind set on.


Well kept in clothes and person as would suit a nobleman.


Contacts & Relations

Robert Malefance, Terrance's father is by far one of his most powerful connections and although he keeps a generous amount of gold in Terrance's accounts, Terrance's following in his mother's artist foot steps has always been a sore spot between them.   His father isn't his only powerful contact though as the Order of Grand Poets offers a great network of fantastic writers   Argueably his most powerful of contacts is his patron, a strange outer being, a great old one from times beyond and before who's far reaching grasp is beyond mortal comprehension

Family Ties

The Malefance house

Religious Views

He understands the power that religions and god's control but doesn't spare much thought for the gods, thinking them aloof and as flawed as the rest of us. Importantly he doesn't view his patron as a god, only as some powerful being.

Social Aptitude

Terrance, being a trained orator, is skilled in the dance that is social interactions. He is often able to smooth talk and silver tongue him self and Saal in and out of trouble.


Smooth and confident, very well enunciated with a proper accent that he carries over to most languages.

Wealth & Financial state

His exact wealth is difficult to put a number to as his position and name would afford him an affluent life no matter the situation

Son of a rich noble, masterful orator and budding adventurer

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Honorary & Occupational Titles
Sir Terrance Malefance heir to the Malefance empire and estate
Current Residence
The suite rooms at the Bannered Lady Inn
Deep blue
Charcoal black
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Peachy white
Known Languages
Common Elven Dwarven Orcish Halfling Can read any writing language

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