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Fennigan Dapplefoot

Fennigan Dapplefoot (a.k.a. Fen)

Fennigan Dapplefoot is a soft spoken but easily excitable harengon paladin. They grew up in Meadowfen. Wherever they go, they try to bring a little of the warmth and tranquility of home with them. They live by their own set of weird and wonderful rules. They spent the past eight years as security for the Witchlight Carnival.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Built and muscular, but soft.

Body Features

Long ears tipped with dark brown, leporine legs, and a bright teal bunny tail that they usually try to keep hidden under their clothing or with their cloak.

Facial Features

Chubby cheeks, medium length muzzle, bright teal and gold swirled irises, a mop of wavy dark brown hair.

Identifying Characteristics

Their unique fur pattern; a mix of harlequin and annamite striped, with shocks of lavender and teal along the edges of where the harlequin pattern has started to elongate into stripes.

Physical quirks

They are very tall compared to most in Humblewood aside from cervums. One of her front teeth is chipped from a scuffle.

Apparel & Accessories

Practical and comfortable. Fen often wears their breastplate armor, a gambeson or linen tunic beneath, simple loose pants, no shoes.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Fennigan is part of a family of seven children, all raised on a farm in quaint Meadowfen. They are the tallest, oldest, and quietest of their six siblings, and being one of the larger individuals in their town even at a young age, they were often made fun of for their stature and build. They learned to use their size to their advantage, however, to protect those smaller than them growing up. As much as they don't enjoy fighting they did learn to defend themselves and one day hopes to be a knight.   When they were an older teenager, the Witchlight Carnival made a visit to Humblewood, and it was one of the few times Fennigan ever left Meadowfen. Having no money to their name and not wanting their parents to discover they had snuck out, Fen snuck into the carnival. They were so enamored and enchanted by it all! It was unlike anything she had ever seen before and when it came time to close up and for the carnival to move on, she couldn't just go back to her life on the farm with dreams in her head. But she was afraid to leave her family behind, so she wandered back home.   Or, at least, she tried to.   Suddenly she had no sense of direction; the path she had taken all but forgotten, she had no idea which way home even was, and with night falling around her, she scurried back to the safety of the carnival. And it was there that she stayed and spent the next eight years. At first they tried to help with set up and simple tasks like balloon art, but for some reason despite years of never having an issue prior, they could not for the life of them tie knots, which made both of these jobs fairly difficult. But they are very good at looking friendly yet imposing, and so they were offered a position as security.   Fennigan considers the carnival to be the best opportunity that's ever crossed her path thus far. She has met so many intriguing people and got to visit so many incredible places, many they've never even heard of before, a whole world outside of her little hometown she didn't know existed. While she does miss her actual family dearly and at first it was a struggle to put so much trust in the more humanoid portion of the group, she considers the carnival to be her family now. She does keep her amulet of Cairith as a token of where she came from and the virtues she does her best to uphold. The breastplate, sword, and other equipment she has are ones she has earned in the carnival's travels and takes excellent care of them.

Gender Identity

Nonbinary. They/them and she/her pronouns.


Witchlight hand

Personality Characteristics


To someday become a knight, a protector of both what is greater than herself and those that cannot protect themselves.


Family Ties

Born to Cerwyn and Gloria Dapplefoot. Her siblings from second oldest to youngest include Yarrow, Moira, Rue, Sage, and Ciaran.

A soft spoken but easily excitable paladin and Witchlight Carnival hand.

View Character Profile
Chaotic Good
Adult (20's-ish)
Teal and gold swirled
Dark brown
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Tan and dark brown in a harlequin/annamite striped pattern, with some vibrant pops of lavender and teal along the edges of the stripes
5'11", 6'4" including their ears
Known Languages
Birdfolk, Sylvan, Elvish


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