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Jinx Morrowgaze

Jinx Morrowgaze

Physical Description

Special abilities

Like most vulpins she has a natural connection to magic; she can use her Bewitching Guile to bewitch or even terrify others with her sheer presence.

Apparel & Accessories

Jinx wears stereotypical mystic garb of layered colorful robes with a hood that her ears pop through. Her large ears are lined with several hooped piercings and she wears several metallic bangles on her wrists. Most notable about her face is a circlet that has the symbol of an eye wreathed in fangs nestled in the center of her forehead and ridiculously large bifocals that magnify her dark eyes.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Jinx Morrowgaze (nee Petalpaw) grew up in the less affluent roots of Alderheart where illicit activities were common under the cover of darkness. Her parents are part of a small outlaw crew called The Unseen Roots - primarily specializing in smuggling goods. She could always be found with her nose shoved in a book (more often it was fantasy or works regarding magic) and her hands feverously making notations on any scrap of paper at hand, sometimes the books themselves. Her eye sight had never been great, so she had been prescribed spectacles. The large framed bifocals sitting comedically on her small Vulpin face.   Among her school peers she was well-known to be organized and could be counted on to have detailed notes on any lesson. However, she was cunning enough to not share those notes without making a reasonable trade. Her classmates would trade her blank notebooks, literature related to magic, and sometimes she would get her hands on small mundane magical items. She still carries a potted dandelion that dances whenever it hears music that she traded for a full final exam prep.   Everything was going good until her parents surprised her and her brother with a trip to the Witchlight Carnival when she was about 10 years old. She thought nothing of it when they did not stop at the ticket booth, but slipped in with a large group of other carnival attendees. This was how they usually got into places. The magic in the air drew her in immediately and still remembers it as one of the most exciting nights of her young life. When she got back to the humdrum of life in The Roots, her peers were less willing to trade with her for her notes; stating her writing was atrocious and could not be deciphered. Making the joke they would have to pay someone to use the Comprehend Languages spell to translate her scribbles.   She complained to her parents who thought this could be a useful for the business, so she would write correspondences for The Unseen Roots and the recipient would use the spell to decipher them. Through this work she met a priestess of Kren, Mela Blackbrood. Intrigued by the magic she asked how she could also learn magic. Mela recommended that she pledge her devotion to Kren. Though she was never a true devotee of Kren, she whispered the prayers and placed the circlet of an eye wreathed in fangs on her head. As simple as that, she suddenly had access to this divine magic, but there were limitations. She wanted to learn more, to truly unravel the mysteries of magic.   As an older teen she went back to the Witchlight Carnival when it made its rotation back through Humblewood; buying a ticket for herself. She met Lady Margarine, who had such a unique grasp of magic that she could divine futures. She told Jinx that she was not intended to follow the life an outlaw. Jinx was caught; hook, line, and sinker. She asked to come on as an assistant for the carnival so that she could learn more from this woman.   She said goodbye to her family and began traveling with the carnival over the years, becoming fast friends with Fennigan Dapplefoot, a gentle giant haregon.

Gender Identity

Female (She/Her)


The Unseen Roots - Family (not so reputable) business Witchlight hand

Intellectual Characteristics

An insatiable curiosity; endless questions, inquiries and appreciation for nuance.

Morality & Philosophy

Change is good, which is why Jinx lives by an ever-changing set of rules. (Chaotic).

Personality Characteristics


She strives to understand every school of magic, every spell, every ingredient, and every type of magic user.

Vices & Personality flaws

Jinx loses track of time, which makes her late most of the time. Around 8 years old her handwriting skills became so poor, others are not able to comprehend without magic. She cannot for the life of herself light a fire without the aid of magic.

Personality Quirks

Jinx magic in all its forms to be compelling. The more magical a place is, the more she is drawn to it.


Contacts & Relations

Father: Nickit Petalpaw Mother: Athena Petalpaw Brother: Osman Petalpaw (younger)


Soft spoken most of the time.

A small fennec vulpin who is overly ambitious to divine and unravel the mysteries of magic and its influence on the world she knows. This is one of the reasons she chose to stay with the Witchlight Carnival.

View Character Profile
Chaotic Neutral
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Self-appointed fortune teller title: Mistress Morrowgaze
Current Residence
Witchlight Carnival
Nearly black
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Sandy colored, black nose with black tipped ears and bushy tail
3'6" (4' at her ear tips)
67 LBS
Known Languages
  • Birdfolk
  • Sylvan
  • Vulpin

  • Day off...what's a day off?

    Today was such a long day, it almost feels like it has lasted weeks. I had some ideas of how Fen and I were going to spend our day off but I NEVER would have divined today's events. That I'd be writing this entry from the Feywild in a place called Prismeer? My head is still spinning, I'm not sure I have the energy to document everything.   Something like Fate pulled us to a unique group (I think Lady Margarine would be pleased to know that I'm picking up more on these energies more easily), harassing Nicolas at the Will Call booth. Fen and I decided it may be best to guide them through the carnival.   Savy - a FAIRIE DRAGON, who is from the Feywild a place made of MAGIC (yet to be seen since its dark and we're in a swamp right now). He really enjoyed the carnival was even crowned Monarch of the Witchlight Carnival. Hothran - a rotund Felis who loves to eat. He won the cupcake eating contest. He was very instrumental in obtaining Mr. Witch's pocket watch. (I still can't believe we blackmailed… *ahem* leveraged Mr. Witch into admitting he and Mr. Light knew about the disappearances). Ash Fox - another Vulpin who seems to be touched by Kren (like me he may not a devout follower - but seems to have been touched enough to beguile others). He put on quite the spectacle during the Big Top Extravaganza. Skipper - a strange, yet funny Penguin. He's very much aware of his surroundings and the possible intentions of others. I'm a bit concerned that Fen is intrigued by his claims of being a knight. I know its Fen's dream to be a great knight and I don’t want them to get their hopes up just for that mentor to be a colorful character with delusions of their own grandeur. Granted I am protective when it comes to Fen. Clyde - an older Mapach I have deemed Sir Grumpalumpagus (He should have picked his own Pixie name. LOL). I think he sets his expectations to 0 and still finds a way to be disappointed. He has a great mind though, very smart if maybe a bit senile.   Summary Dirlagraun - asked us to try and find her missing cub; Starr. Last seen around the Hall of Illusion. Dirlagraun gave me a small mirror ball toy that belonged to Starr that may help us find them. I'm still not sure how Hothran got it off me...but those sticky fingers did help later on. Lady Margarine - divined the futures of our companions. Its SOOO amazing to watch her use her gift. I hope to be even a smidgen as talented as her. She gifted me a tarot card deck! Kettlesteam - a follower of Zilbyna (the carnival's patron) who has been causing quite a bit of chaos at the carnival trying to get Mr. Witch and Mr. Light's attention. They told us about how Zilbyna is missing and the Hourglass Coven but in like Mr. Witch and Mr. Lights own voices. Speaking of voices I think they stole Candlefoot's. I hope he and Palasha work through this new struggle and their love is stronger for it. Carousal - We got almost all of the names. Fen rode Bold -- I knew they would pick Bold. I obviously rode Fortune. Who told me that the one who stole my (legible) handwriting lives on a house on stilts. I can still read my handwriting, so I'm not too concerned if I don't get it back. However, if I had to guess a swamp would be a place a person would live on stilts. I’ll keep my eye out. Hourglass Coven - apparently they are related to the weird figures we see occasionally around the carnival - Pig Mask girl and Crescent Moon girl. They are also responsible for the disappearances of people and things around the carnival and appeared around the time the Zilbyna went missing. Mr. Witch and Mr. Light - made some kind of deal with the Hourglass Coven and frankly it hurts to think they would forsake some of our family. I think I still more time to process this. However, they did open the portal here   Incantation; Hither, thither, here and there; wander yonder, show me where   Apparently the fey are very particular about rules of conduct and we found a sign; Rule of Hospitality Rule of Ownership Rule of Reciprocity   I'm getting tired and a lot of the details are blurring. I may come back and add additional notes. Goodnight.


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