Eubert Ostrand

Eubert Ostrand

Lord Eubert Ostrand is the Lord of Orivae in the Province of Sturn. He is one of the more notable battlefield commanders in all of The Empire of Sturn. In his early years he was appointed the role of General during the Orcish incursion of Korthas in 1322AF and became good friends with Emperor Saunclair. From then he led the Empire of Sturns 5th Brigade into countless battles against foreign and domestic foes.   Along with being a renowned General he was also a loving father and husband. In 1337AF he married the love of his life Kallyia Dumont from Korthas. From spending his time in Korthas he came to love Kallyia from afar, eventually asking her father for her hand in marriage. The two would sire Godwin Ostrand who would also go on to become a military man after his father.   Euberts wife Kallyia died in 1354AF from contracting the Glacier Plague from visiting Glacern in the Aegin Province. He watched his wife slowly wither away. After she passed for a time Eubert was a solitary man only leaving Orivae when it best suited him   In 1367AF his son Godwin Ostrand would ask Emperor Saunclair for his daughter's hand in marriage. Saunclair accepted and so Astrid Saunclair and Godwin were to be married at thr Grand Church of the Light in Sturnholm in Suns Seed 1367AF.   Though the events that transpired at the wedding would leave Eubert dessimated. Leovald Harpsund the Provincial Governor of Krest would stage a coup during his sons wedding, slaying the empror, his son, and kidnapping the emperors daughter. The news would send Eubert down a path of revenge of hearing his friend and liege Lord was slain in cold blood along with his son and countless others.   Lord Eubert Ostrand now resides in Bastion's Hill after hearing that Leovald Harpsund fled the capital and returned home to his seat at Greywatch. Eubert plans on destroying Leovald and rescuing his daughter in law from certain dismay.

An old man now, Eubert Ostrand is a capable battlefield commander and ruler of Orivae. Grey of hair with steel colored eyes.

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Date of Birth
1303AF New Mightal
Skin Tone/Pigmentation