Gallia - The Crimson Glade

Under the rule of the Mergold family since it's founding, Galia has been a place of mystery as far back as Sturnian scholars have recorded. It is often that one will find Sturnians refer to the Gallians as backwards savages akin to that of their Aegir cousins. Though far from savages these fair people harbor loyalties seeded deeply in their community and their ancient lineage. Theirs is a tale of love for their kindred and the very land itself.  

The Two Lovers - A Tale of the Glade

  Long ago, an adventurer named Gal Mergold was renowned for his Bardic knowledge and skills at storycraft. It is said Gal was a seeker of stories and truth of the old world, he set forth from Sturnholm to search the ancient and forgotten places of the world. Thus, his adventure lead him far from Sturnholm and eventually to the Crimson Forest, a place of deep wonder and mystery.   Gal wondered the labyrinthine forest for weeks, his only company the forest animals and sounds. He recorded numerous plants and wildlife he had never seem before. Often did he sing as well to the wildlife and draw their attention to keep himself co many.   During his arduous journey through the crimson forest, the ironwood trees seemed to spread apart as they revealed to him a secluded glade. Within the center of the glade, Gal beheld the largest ironwood tree he had ever layed his eyes upon as tall as the largest towers, crimson leaves, and dark trunk. He remarked it as a thing of great beauty and immediately set to drawing and recording his discovery.   While he sat at peace in the glade he began to sing while he drew. His voice carried through the glade as though he had a full symphony. Engrossed by his work and singing he did not notice he wasn't alone. He was startled from his song and writing and locked eyes with the creature that was watching him after it had hustled some fallen leaves.   Once again Gal found himself struck in awe. Eyeing the creature up and down he was taken back by it's beauty, it was If the tree itself was turned into a humanoid shape of that of a Sturnian woman. Her hair made of crimson leaves, skin was hewn from bark and root, and her eyes looked like a clear lake. It must be a dryad he concluded, a fabled protector of the natural world.   He dare not stand, as to not startle her, so he began to sing while he shifted his drawing papet slowly and began to draw her. Clearly it was his voice she was drawn too, for the more he sang the more relaxed she became, eventually seating herself while watching him. Gal sang for the dryad, seeing himself as the unexpected guest thst he was until he could sing no longer.   The sun began to set behind the massive crimson tree. He was almost finished with his drawing when within of the eye she was gone. He showered the glade for her, moving ever slowly as to not disturb the peace of the glade. But alas, night had drawn near and he would be secluded in darkness soon and he could still not find her.   Gal left the glade, though still feeling her eyes upon him, he knew not where she hid. He set up camp some distance away from the glade. As he regarded starting a campfire he hesitated ans feared it might appear distasteful to his woodland friend, so he decided to sleep in his bedroll on the bare forest floor.   He awoke the next day, eager to document her further. Once more into the glade he traveled to the large crimson tree, he sat in the same spot the day before. He prepared his sketchbook and began to sing. He watched and waited to discover that she did not disappear the day prior, but that she had become one with the massive crimson tree, she emerged from the trunk almost like a camouflaged lizard.   For weeks Gal would continue to visit the dryad within the glade, documenting everything. That is until one fateful day while he sat reminiscing about her and the glades beauty, she finally approached him and spoke. She uttered her name to him, Menai, Daughter of Gerda.   Gerda? He thought to himself, for he knew Gerda was worshipped by some as a God or Goddess as the protector of nature. Her voice was as beautiful to him as her appearance and the glade itself. He found he had come to not only love the glade itself, but her as well with the time he had spent their.   Gal shared all the stories and fables he had learned of the world with Menai. She slowly became enamored by him as well as he to her. She claimed to Gal she had never met a mortal such as himself, who cared so much for the natural world.   Gal would forever remain within The Crimson Glade. Claiming Menai as his lover, the two would go on to found the settlement of Gallia, promptly named after Gal. After Gal's passing he was buried at the base of the giant Ironwood Tree with Menai guarding her lovers burial site. Over the generations she would come to be called The Revered Mother, forever watchful and protecting her bloodline and Gallia.    

Blood of the Revered Mother

  The commonfolk of Gallia are renowned far and wide in The Northern Realms for their unique appearance due to their dryadic lineage. Though all appear human they bear traits of the Revered Mother primarily crimson red hair, amber or pale skin tones, and golden or bright jade green eyes.   Almost all of the Gallian women are famed for their natural beauty, and are coveted by Sturnian nobles and peasants alike. On a rare occasion some of the women possess even further dryadic features, such as bark like skin, and even being born with roots bulging beneath their skin, or leaves sprouting from their hair.   The men of Gallia can possess similar physical descriptions, but none have ever been born with severe dryadic alterations.    

Druids of the Glade

  Due to the Gallians innate affinity for nature and their dryadic lineage, it is often one will find a druid within the Crimson Forest and Glade itself. Most of the upper echelon of Gallian society is overseen by the Druids of the Glade with the organization being made up of a council that elects its members and the Grand Druid, the leader of the enclave. Though the Druids are held with high honor and status they still answer to the Mergold family.   When a member of Gallian society is discovered to possess this affinity, they are sent to the Druidic council and are tested on their abilities. If one is deemed worthy of Gerda and Menai's blessings, they will be admitted into the Druidic Enclave. It is considered the highest honor in Gallian society to join the Druids of the Grove. Aspirants will go through a series of trials over the course of their life before becoming a full Druid by title and become charged with the protection of the Gallian people and the Preservation of the Glade.   The Druids of the Grove teach the way and faith of Gerda and the benevolence of Menai. The worship of Gerda and Menai is the Gallians primary religion.  

Sturnian - Gallian Relations

  Even with Gallia having partial Sturnian roots with Gal Mergold as it's founder, the Crimson Glade has always been under scrutiny from Sturnians. Most commonfolk and high horn nobles consider the Crimson Glade to be a backwards place akin to the Aegir Isle and other pagan savages.   While the fair people of Gallia are considered apart of the Empire or Sturn and are still beholden to Sturnian Law, they are far removed from typical Sturnian politics. The Mergold family has been stricken from the Sturnian Senate and is considered disgraced due a recent spree of kinslaying and their denouncement of the High Father.   Most Gallians do not adhere to the teachings of the Church of Light, and have driven away Priests of the High Father that have attempted to proselytize the Gallians. Often do contents of the Church of Light send priests to Gallia in attempts to convert the Gallians from their worship of Gerda and Menai. The local Druids of the Grove have a great disdain for the followers of the Church of Light.   Though removed from Sturnian politics, the Mergold family and the Gallians do join the ranks of the Sturnian Army, such as the late Nahlus Mergold who was disgraced and fell in battle against a group of adventurers. Another knight of note is Knight Captain Merrill Amlaith under the service of Lord Ostrand.    

Economy of the Glade

  The Crimson Forest and the Glade's unique Ironwood trees are of great value throughout Nespiere. This is the only location within the known world where the Ironwood trees grow.    The Ironwood trees themselves harbor unique properties from other trees. Such as:  
  • Ironwood is quite hard and not very malliable. Almost as durable as as steel when worked by a master craftsman.
  • Even though it is as durable as steel Ironwood is quite light for wood.
  • Due to its strength it is excellent for structures
  Due the abundance of the rare resource and it's protection from the Gallians, the Glade has drawn members of the Consortium and others looking to capitalize on it's wealth. The Druids of the Glade often have to deal with outsiders attempting to deforest and harvest the Ironwood trees, almost always ending up in bloodshed.   The Gallians do harvest the Ironwood trees themselves, however these specially assigned carpenters come from families dedicated to the task for centuries. Each tree the carpenters take they do so with the blessing of the Druids. And each tree taken another is replanted so as to ensure the continuance of the Glade.