
Current Status

  Glacern has been destroyed as of 1367 AF. An unknown attack has casued the inhabitatns to be all but slain and the city left in ruins.  


  In the ancient times of the known world, when the lands were wild and untamed, there existed a tribe of formidable warriors known as the Aegir. Among them was a fearless and visionary leader named Freyja Ironheart, whose ambition was to establish a haven amidst the icy peaks of the Frostpeaks, a city that would become a testament to their indomitable spirit and a sanctuary for those who sought refuge in the harsh northern lands.   Freyja was known for her strategic brilliance, her unwavering loyalty to her people, and her deep connection with the spirits of the land and sea. She was a formidable warrior in her own right, commanding the respect and admiration of her people, who saw her as a guiding light in the darkest of times.   The idea of Glacern began to take root in Freyja's mind when the Aegir tribe faced constant struggles with rival clans and the brutal forces of nature. Seeking a place where they could thrive, they ventured far and wide, braving treacherous terrains and battling fierce beasts. Eventually, they stumbled upon the Ironspire mountains, a range shrouded in snow and mystery, where other tribes seldom dared to tread.   In a daring and perilous ascent, Freyja and her Aegir warriors scaled the jagged peaks of the Frostpeaks, where they discovered a hidden valley nestled between two towering glaciers. Here, they encountered an abundance of resources, pristine waterfalls, and an aura of serenity. It was a place untouched by other civilizations, and the Aegir saw this as a sign from the gods.   Freyja, with her innate connection to the spirits, interpreted this discovery as a divine blessing from the ancient gods, granting them a piece of land that was meant to be their own. She called upon her people to unite under the banner of progress, honor, and strength, and to build the city of Glacern in the name of their ancestors.   And so, under Freyja's wise guidance, the Aegir set to work. They used their skills in construction, crafting, and engineering to erect stone structures, sturdy fortifications, and efficient systems that made use of the surrounding resources. They tapped into the knowledge passed down through generations, fusing it with their own experiences and creativity to create a city that would stand as a testament to their tribal ingenuity.   As Glacern took shape, word of the Aegir's new city spread across the lands. Many sought to join the burgeoning community, drawn by the promise of safety, prosperity, and the opportunity to learn from the legendary Freyja Ironheart herself.   Freyja, known as the "Ironheart" for her unyielding determination, became the heart and soul of Glacern. Her leadership, wisdom, and fierce protection of her people ensured that the city thrived amidst the frigid winters and unpredictable challenges of the mountains. Under her rule, Glacern became a beacon of hope and strength, a place where warriors honed their skills, merchants traded exotic goods, and shamans delved into the mysteries of the world.   Though peace would not last. The other conquesting tribes of the Aegir, would bring about a bitter bloody rivalry with the local Silverblood dwarves of Kar'Inorn. Admist the chaos a lone dwarf by the name Alaric Stoneforge would make a treacherous journey through the Frostpeaks, seeking out noble Freyja in what he called a prophesized alliance. She was wary of the dwarf at first, but in time began to trust him.   With Freyja's help, Alaric managed to negotiate a truce between the Silverblood Clan and the other tribes of the Aegir. Both sides realized that they shared a common enemy – an insidious dark force threatening the entire realm.   United by a newfound alliance and the bond of shared bloodshed, the Silverblood Clan and the noble Aegir tribe faced the true nemesis of both their races – a malevolent demon known as Morgrim the Malefic. The demon sought to wield the ancient silver magic for nefarious purposes, threatening to unleash chaos upon the world.   In an epic final confrontation, Thrain Silvervein, Freyja Ironheart, Ragnar Bloodaxe, and Alaric Stoneforge, together with the united forces of the Silverblood Clan and the Aegir tribes, stood against Morgrim's dark machinations. Through valor, unity, and the power of the Aegir, they thwarted Morgrim's schemes and banished him to the darkest depths of the abyss.   As the years passed, Freyja Ironheart's legend only grew, transcending the boundaries of time. To this day, the people of Glacern honor her as their founding mother with ststue carved from living stone in the center of Glacern, and tales of her bravery and wisdom continue to inspire new generations of Aegir warriors who call the city their home. Glacern, born out of the tenacity and dreams of the Aegir, stands high in the snowy Ironspire mountains, a testament to the enduring spirit of its founder and the indomitable will of its people.