

Nestled near the imposing Krest Mountains, Keep Greywatch stands as a sentinel against the rugged backdrop of the Krest Plains. The keep is a formidable stronghold, guarding the way north and acting as a linchpin in the defensive strategy of the Empire of Sturn. Its history, deeply entwined with the Harspund family, its recorded founders and owners since the year 309 AF.   The origins of Keep GreyWatch could be traced to a time when the Krest Plains were rife with tribal conflicts and territorial disputes. Recognizing the strategic importance of the mountain in the Krest Planes, Lord Arnald Harspund, a shrewd military leader and noble of the Kingdom of Sturn, sought permission from the royal court to establish a fortress. Construction of Keep Greywatch was a Herculean task. Skilled craftsmen and laborers toiled tirelessly to carve the fortress into the mountain itself, blending the structure seamlessly with the natural rock formations. The fortifications were augmented by magical wards and enchantments, a testament to the alliance between the Harspunds and the mage guilds of the Kingdom.   Over the centuries, the Harspund family maintained their grip on Keep Greywatch, passing down the responsibility of its defense and governance from one generation to the next. The family became synonymous with loyalty and martial prowess, their commitment to the founding of the Sturn Empire in 544AF, earning them the respect and trust of the ruling elite and gaining the opportunity to become not only Nobility but the provincial governors of the Province of Krest.   The keep's strategic location ensured that it played a pivotal role in the Empire's military campaigns. It served as a staging point for expeditions into the wild territories beyond the Krest Planes and acted as a deterrent to any hostile forces seeking to breach the imperial northern borders. The Harspunds, through skillful diplomacy and military might, managed to maintain a delicate balance between the Empire's central authority and their autonomy as the defenders of the Krest Plains. The relationship between Keep Greywatch and the surrounding Krest Plains was not merely militaristic. The Harspunds, recognizing the importance of agriculture and trade in sustaining their fortress, fostered the growth of villages in the plains below. These settlements provided sustenance to the keep and formed a network of support for its defense.   As the Empire of Sturn expanded and evolved, so did Keep Greywatch. The fortress grew beyond its military origins to become a cultural and economic center for the region with the oncoming trade route established by the Consortium leading from the port city of Crosby to Fort Mirador. The Harspund family, though staunchly martial and highly religious, embraced the arts and learning, fostering a vibrant community within the keep's walls and in the city of Greycrest below. The current Lord of Greywatch is Leovald Harspund, the last of his line and a great martial leader of the Empire of Sturn.

Harspund Family Crest

Family Words: Perserverance conquers all...