Korthas Hold

As peasants harvest their fields, merchants sell their goods, and noble lords and ladies host feasts, the Korthians shed blood to defend the Empire of Sturn every day. Each Sturnian owes their lives and freedom to the sacrifice the Korthians make. For if it were not for the bastion of Korthas Hold that guards the Northern Realms from the terrors of the east there would be no Empire of Sturn.  

History of Korthas

  For over a thousand years the Korthians have defended the Northern Realms from the horrors of the East. During the early years of the Dark Ages after The Fracture the Korthians withheld the largest Orcish incursion ever recorded. The Korthians held Korthas Hold for months on end with no assistance from their Sturnian cousins, but their forces and supplies were running gravely low.   A simple siege with the Orcs simply was not enough, the battle was devastating to both sides. During what the Korthians thought were the final moments of the siege, doom approached. The winds howled and the desert sands lifted and crested a sandstorm. Within the sandstorm the Korthians behold a terror unlike any they had witnessed before. Zarokan the Black Death, a black dragon of insurmountable power descended upon the Korthas Hold, spraying the Korthians with his acidic breath melting soldiers, civilian, the hold, and his own orcish followers.   Lord Velend Dumont decided to challenge the black terror himself with the ancient moon elf forged armaments of House Dumont and attempted to slay the dragon alone. His attempt was futile, with his death and the ruin of his Hold the dark followers of Zarokan were allowed to pass into The Northern Realms. Thus, beginning what most people know as The War of Black Death.   Zarokan's desire to seek godhood and create a new world order would be his downfall. Eventually three years into The War of the Black, Zarokan would finally fall at the Battle of Sturnholm, finally ending his reign of terror, leaving his armies scattered and broken the Army of Sturn was able to push the Orcish Hordes back beyond Korthas Hold into the Roaming Steppes. The Sturnians would supply aid to the Korthians over the coming years to rebuild Korthas Hold leading to the Korthians joining the Kingdom of Sturnholm to found The Empire of Sturn.  

Korthas under the Empire

  During the founding of the Empire, Korthas Hold would become a bastion of humanity and the capitol of the Province of Korthas. Since this time Korthas Hold has repelled eleven Orcish Hordes, one attempted invasion from Khan Cheng of the Baikhanat, and countless small Orcish Warbands. Protecting the Northern Realms from Eastern incursions is the Hold's primary duty, its secondary function being that of a The Sturnian Armies primary training facility   Korthas Hold has become the largest military installation and training facility for the Sturnian Imperial Army. Housing tens of thousands of soldiers from across The Empire of Sturn, to man it's gargantuan defenses.   Countless knights, lords, and military careers have begun at Korthas Hold, with the Hold serving as a perfect training ground for oncoming recruits to learn the art of combat. The constant threat of Orcish Incursions almost always guarantees that soldiers stationed at Korthas Hold will have combat experience.   The Hold itself sits in the center of the Ironpoint Mountain Range and has massive 30-foot walls that stretch for miles from north of the Ironpoint mountains to the south blocking off any passage to the Northern Realms aside that of the main gate. The walls themselves are crafted from limestone and rocks mined from the Ironpoints.  

The Dumont Family

  Brandishing the banner of a silver eagle, the Dumont's have led the Korthian people since the founding of its house. The Dumont's can trace their lineage to a time before The Fracture. Rumor has it that the Dumont's descended from the ancient elves that cross bred with the old human clans of yore.   Unlike many of the other noble houses of Sturn the Dumont's owned their Hold and provincial lands prior to the founding of the Sturnian Empire. Their story is a tried-and-true test of warfare and bloodshed, their family values based on a warrior society, where the most capable Dumont rules and is elected by the family, rather than inherit through birthright.

Capitol of the Province of Korthas

Military, Base


The Warriors Hold


Province of Korthas


Neutral good


Lord Vermund Dumont as of 1364 AF

Local Government

Parliamentary Tanistry






Common, Sturnish, Gallic, Elvish


The High Father, Phoviat, Gerda, Myrea, Norgopha

Lord Vermund Dumont