Lady Assa Aubert

Lady Assa Aubert

After her father uprooted their family from their ancestral home of Seven's Hall and gave the lordship to his brother Aemund. Assa found herself in New Aegin the backwater of the world too her. By royal decree her father Angus Aubert was to be the new appointed Earl of New Aegin and rule in its stead. The original family their had died out sometime ago due to trying to revolt against the Empire.   When her uncle, father and her arrived in New Aegin she was completely distraught, there was barely any sense of civilization this far to the north west. She had never before been this far away from home. For the first few months Assa found herself increasingly bored with the cold backwater. She frequented the Rusty Nail Tavern in New Aegin for that was all there was to do. Constantly drowning her miserable existence in alcohol she was approached by a strange robed man one day. He claimed to be a priest of the High Father. Finally some sort of civilization she though to herself. For there were no temples dedicated to her god in the backwater, only that of the Aegir gods. He named himself Elof Oddmund Speaker of his flock.   Elof Oddmund would frequent the Rusty Nail, and find Assa's company many times. Eventually the two took a liking to one another. Assa followed him to his temple he had acquired from her father on a loan. The Temple used to be an old fort that was converted into a Aegir worship hall, but many of the locals had since turned to Elof's flock and began worship of The High Father. Assa would frequent his temple and rarely stayed at home.   Her father began to worry but she did not. Though Elof's prayer sessions became stranger and stranger something about Elof always made her feel safe and wanting to be with him.   Eventually one fateful evening she found herself standing at a prayer service when some new blood came in to join in the prayer sessions. Assa stood and watched, but something was different this time. Suddenly a large burly Aegir man and a dwarf started to cause a ruckus after one of the new bloods tried to stop his son from joining in on the prayer session. Only it wasn't a prayer session, instead the members of Elof's flock turned into Werewolves, those cursed by Fumnir and began devouring and killing members of the flock that had not turned. The Aegir named Njal and the dwarf Casivem stepped in and saved Assa and many others that night from impending doom, also slaying Elof Oddmund in the end for he was the cause of the cult. Njal would reveal to Assa that he was no priest of the High Father but a Cultist of Fumnir.   Assa stricken with disbelief was held almost in a magical state of fixation on Elof Oddmund. For weeks she became violent and desperate to see his body one last time. Her father put her under house arrest. But as months went by Assa finally was able to break free of the strange curse that hold over her, only now realizing that whatever Elof had done to her was unnatural. But it was too late, her father passed after contracting the Glacier Plague and now she must assist his appointed ruler of New Aegin Earl Eogald.

Pretty despite her fathers appearance. Assa is a rare woman to find. Who else would fall in love with a leader of a Cult?

Current Location
New Aegin
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Chaotic Neutral
Date of Birth
1347AF Suns Seed
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Fair Skinned