New Aegin

New Aegin is a small port town in the Aegin Province of The Empire of Sturn. It is well known for its fisherman and to be a soon up and coming hub for trade. With a newly instated Master of Coin taking strives to bolster the towns influence and weth in the Aegin Province.   New Aegin, though within The Empire of Sturn's borders still operates under some of the Aegir peoples ancient laws and ways. The town is not owned by a Lord or Baron of Sturn but an Aegir Earl. Much of the townsfolk are Aegir full blooded or are descendants. Almost all worship The Old Waywithin the port town.   In the realm of distant lands and untamed seas, the Aegir, a proud race of humans, called the Aegir Isle their home. Nestled amidst the turbulent waves, their island was a haven. But as the years passed, the Aegir began to feel the yearning for new horizons and uncharted territories beyond their island shores, conquest!   Led by their intrepid chieftain, Ragnar Bloodaxe, the Aegir set their eyes on a distant coast glimpsed on the distant horizon during a particularly fierce storm. The sight of the unknown land ignited their hearts with a fiery desire for exploration. It was decided that they would set sail to claim this new territory, naming it in honor of their homeland – New Aegin.   With their longships, renowned for their speed and strength, the Aegir embarked on their journey. Guided by the stars and the wisdom of their ancient sea charts, they navigated through treacherous waters and fierce storms, proving their skill and courage as the mighty waves crashed against their vessels. Yet, not even the fiercest tempest could deter the determined Aegir from reaching their destination. After many moons at sea, they finally reached the shores of the new land. The coastline was rugged and mysterious, shrouded in mist as if veiled by the spirits of the unknown. Ragnar and his people set foot on the sandy beach with a mix of anticipation and wonder, feeling the weight of history upon their shoulders.   Setting up a temporary camp, the Aegir took stock of their new surroundings. The land was wild and untamed, with dense forests stretching far into the distance. Towering cliffs overlooked the vast ocean, and clear streams meandered through the lush landscape. The air was alive with the sounds of exotic birds and the whispers of the wind. As the weeks passed, the Aegir worked tirelessly to establish New Aegin. They constructed sturdy longhouses using the timber from the forests, each adorned with symbols and carvings that paid homage to their island home. The longships were anchored in the natural harbor, ready to explore further and establish trade routes with neighboring lands.   Despite the challenges of settling in a new land, the Aegir remained steadfast and resourceful. They slew and conquered local tribes, taking some as slaves and plundering all their wealth. Ragnar Bloodaxe even sought a long fought war with the Silverblood dwarves of Kar'Inorn. Though one Freyja Ironheart would beg Ragnar Bloodaxe to stop the fighting and join with the dwarves to stop a true nemesis of both races - a malevolent demon known as Morgrim the Malefic.   New Aegin began to thrive as a bustling footstep for the Aegir, welcoming further warriors and adventurers from the Aegir Isle. Chieftain Ragnar Bloodaxe envisioned a town that would reflect the strength and spirit of his people. A grand longhouse was erected at the heart of New Aegin, where the chieftain held court and the Circle of Skalds recited the sagas of the Aegir, preserving their history and traditions from their ancient homeland. As the years passed, New Aegin grew into a vibrant tribal town, a testament to the Aegir's resilience and the indomitable spirit of their people. The longships that once sailed from the Aegir Isle now ventured forth from New Aegin, charting new territories and setting forth for further conquest.