Parish of the Healing Hand

“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.” - Codex of Light


While most of the Church of the Light deals with ceremonies, holy services, prayers, and sacraments, the Parish of the Healing Hand stands as a beacon of unwavering compassion and devotion amidst the ecclesiastical landscape within the Church of the Light. Within the Northern Realms, this sisterhood represents a sacred enclave, distinct from the conventional ceremonies and religious rites observed by their ecclesiastical counterparts.   Protected by their unwavering oath, the Parish of the Healing Hand operates as a bastion of sanctuary. The High Sister, the paramount authority within this sacred enclave, reserves the right to identify those deemed adversaries to their cause, barring them from seeking succor within their sacred halls. However, such decisions are rooted in protecting the vulnerable and upholding the sanctity of their mission.   The sisters of this holy order are revered not only for their miraculous healing abilities but also for their tireless dedication to fostering a haven where the disenfranchised, the afflicted, and the marginalized find solace. Their commitment to the creed of unconditional aid and protection exemplifies the highest virtues of the Church of the Light, casting a radiant and unwavering light.  

Beliefs and Practices

At the heart of this order lies a profound dedication to the art of healing, transcending the boundaries of societal judgment and doctrinal constraints. Comprised of devoted priests, clerics, and healers, the sisterhood operates with a singular focus on their solemn oaths—to extend healing and solace to all who seek refuge within their sanctuaries.   Unlike many religious institutions, the Parish of the Healing Hand harbors an ethos of unconditional care. Regardless of one's transgressions, affiliations, or past commitments, every soul in need is welcomed into the comforting embrace of their chapels. Within these hallowed halls, the sisters have taken a sacred vow to mend the ailments—physical, spiritual, and emotional—of any who come seeking respite.   The ethos of inclusivity and benevolence is deeply ingrained in the fabric of this sisterhood. As the inhabitants of The Northern Realms attest, the Parish is renowned for its selfless service to the common folk. The sisters stand ready, their hands extended in mercy, with a steadfast commitment to alleviating suffering and nurturing hope.

Sisters of the Parish

Religious, Monastic Order


  High Sister Marion Allentown  

Monastic Ranks

  Sister   High Sister  


  Lawful Good  


  Almost Every Town or Major City  


  Monastic Sisterhood