The Bhaikhanat

In the vast expanse of the northeastern lands and roaming steppes of Nespiere, the nomadic clans of the Bhaikhanat forge their existence, their way of life mirroring the untamed spirits of their ancestors. They are not a single cohesive nation but a mosaic of distinct clans, each bearing its own identity and traditions, yet unified under the banner of the great blue sky they worship.   Their nomadic existence is a testament to their resilient bond with the eastern steppes, embracing the boundless horizons as their home. The Bhaikhanat clans traverse the sweeping landscapes, following the ever-changing tapestry of seasons and grazing lands. Clans thrive through a harmonious dance with the land, herding their livestock and relying on ancient wisdom passed down through generations.   Despite the winds of change sweeping across Nespiere, the Bhaikhanat remain firmly anchored in a bygone era, clinging to the ways of their ancestors and never embracing outside change. Their technology, is simair to that of the Aegir and Sturn during antiquity. Their tools and armaments, timeless relics in a world racing towards innovation.   Their beliefs echo those of their ancestors for generations, venerating the great blue sky as the celestial sovereign, a deity embodying freedom, resilience, and the vast expanse of possibility. Shamanic rituals and spiritual ceremonies mark the passage of time, weaving a connection between the earthly realm and the ethereal skies above.   The Bhaikhanat, while disparate in their individual identities, share a collective reverence for their nomadic way of life and the enduring bond with their ancestral lands.
Geopolitical, Clan