The Red Hand

The Red Hand is a secretive and notorious guild of assassins and rogues, shrouded in mystery and whispered about in hushed tones across the realm. Originally hailing from the capital city of Sturnholm, they have since relocated to the province of Krest under the employ of the enigmatic Consortium, tasked with eliminating key figures who remain loyal to the Sturnian regime. It is rumored that the Guild worshipes Phoviat The Scarlet Goddess though these rumors have not been founded as facts.  


  Little is known about the true origins of The Red Hand, as they operate under a veil of secrecy and deception. Some speculate that the guild has ancient roots, dating back to a time when clandestine organizations held sway over the political landscape. Others believe that The Red Hand emerged more recently, forged in the shadows of Sturnholm's intrigue and power struggles.  


  The Red Hand operates with ruthless efficiency, striking from the shadows with precision and cunning. Their targets are carefully selected, often individuals who pose a threat to the interests of the Consortium or who stand in opposition to their agenda. Once marked for elimination, few escape the grasp of The Red Hand, as their methods leave little room for mercy or forgiveness.  


  The identity of The Red Hand's leader remains a closely guarded secret, known only to a select few within the guild. It is rumored that the leader wields immense power and influence, orchestrating their operations with meticulous planning and foresight. Their authority is absolute, and their word is law among the members of The Red Hand.  

Distinctive Garb

  Members of The Red Hand are easily recognizable by their distinctive black and red attire, a symbol of their allegiance to the guild and their commitment to its cause. The colors serve as a warning to those who would cross them, a reminder that death lurks in the shadows, waiting to claim its next victim.  

Legacy of Fear

  Encounters with The Red Hand are rare and deadly, with few who cross their path living to tell the tale. Their reputation precedes them, instilling fear and paranoia among their enemies and allies alike. In the dark alleys and backrooms of Krest, whispers of The Red Hand linger, a constant reminder of the price of defiance in a world where power is measured in bloodshed. The Red Hand remains a shadowy presence in the annals of history, a testament to the enduring power of secrecy and deception. As long as there are those who seek to challenge the will of the Consortium, The Red Hand will continue to strike fear into the hearts of their enemies, leaving behind nothing but death and destruction in their wake.
Guild, Assassins