The Volsung Clan

The Volsung is an Aegir clan of formidable warriors that has evolved into a nomadic mercenary group, traversing the Northern Realms in search of both glorious combat and lucrative opportunities. Unyielding and merciless, they spare none in their pursuit of wealth and triumph, committing to contracts with a determination that knows no bounds.  


At the helm of the Volsung stands Svanhild 'Grey Wolf' Heldottir, a fearsome warrior with an unwavering commitment to the path of blood and gold. Svanhild leads the Volsung under the belief that she is the earthly incarnation of Bohlagh, the Aegir God of War. Her leadership style is marked by ruthlessness and an unrelenting pursuit of victory.   Svanhild is accompanied by Arvid 'Bone Eye' Tuurson, the clan's Gothi. Arvid, a skilled sorcerer and seer, has convinced Svanhild that she is the living avatar of Bohlagh. This belief strengthens the Volsung's cohesion and instills divine purpose in their endeavors.  


Currently in the employ of the Consortium, the Volsung Clan wreaks havoc throughout the countryside. Their merciless raids target towns, cities, and caravans of loyalists who have not sworn allegiance to Leovald. The Consortium's gold fuels the Volsung's insatiable desire for both wealth and the glory of battle.  


Driven by an unquenchable thirst for combat and riches, the Volsung embraces chaos and disorder. Their loyalty to Bohlagh and their belief in Svanhild's divine connection provide them with a sense of purpose that transcends mere mercenary work. The Volsung Clan is a force to be reckoned with, a storm of destruction on the Northern Realms' horizon.
Geopolitical, Clan