
The Republic of Tulaire is a major city state within the Northern Realms, it acts as a independent entity from Sturnholm's rule after it was allowed to peacfully secede from The Empire of Sturn under Emperor Saunclair's rule. The senate and provincial Governors originally abhorred the ruling by the Emperor to allow Tulaire to secede. But he did so in good faith as to not have the sons and daughters of Sturn die fighting for the idea of freedom.   Tulaire is a new nation. Facing its own trials and tribulations each day, it's citizens are a proud people with their new founded freedom they seek to rewrite how the world views the common man. Never before has one been allowed such freedom to rise above his station. Much like Sturn Tulaire is governed by a Senate, but it is elected by its citizens and not appointed due to birthright or station.   Tulaire is known for its waterways, canals, universities, and vast networks of guilds of all types that can be found all actoss the city state. The city is often referred to as the freeman's city, since most of those of noble birth and blood rite do not advance here as they would elsewhere in the The Northern Realms due to their station.