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The lord of Morlis, Dalfis lives comfortably, with his primary concern being that his land is so near the border with the dead continent. Luckily the fighting has been pushed back onto the land bridge for years now, but how long can that last? Since being under the rule of Cil Audrey, Dalfis has found himself doing more and more to handle the townsfolk's problems. An assistant for the judge to organize evidence and testimony, more guards, an agricultural advisor, and orders from Cil's manufacturing advisor to build a sawmill and build carts. Now with a break-in at the storehouse and a possible ratfolk infestation in the forest, Dalfis is finding himself with less free time and less money for luxuries. While out drinking with a Pyre glaa researcher friend that visits occasionally, and sits on the alchemy and theology guild boards, he learned these may be connected, and it might be best to get a real investigator just in case there are intelligent rat folk terrorizing the town. He'd heard of ratfolk smart enough to be slaves in Afrea, or has even heard of some holding down menial labor jobs in the capitol, but a terrorist cell of rats in the boonies seems a little far fetched. More money to spend and time spent looking for someone to help. He debates just letting it go, but getting torn into by Cil for losing a gift for his officer sounds even worse. And he can't argue that crop yields are up since hiring the agricultural advisor, although that just means more food for Cil's troops on the front lines.     Description brought to you by chatGPT:     Lord Dalfis is a tall and imposing figure, standing at around 6 feet 4 inches (193 cm) with a sturdy build. He carries himself with an air of authority and confidence, commanding respect from those around him. His age is around 40, and his face bears the faint lines of experience and responsibility. Dalfis has sharp, piercing blue eyes that seem to reflect his strong will and determination. His neatly trimmed beard, salt-and-pepper in color, adds a touch of wisdom and maturity to his appearance. His short, dark hair is beginning to show streaks of gray, indicating the burdens he has carried.   He typically dresses in regal attire, often seen wearing fine garments in rich shades of royal blue and deep green. A cloak embroidered with intricate patterns of silver thread hangs from his broad shoulders, displaying his noble status. Adorned with a decorative brooch with the crest of House Audrey, A symbol of the dedication he has shown Cil Audrey's authority.   Lord Dalfis carries himself with an air of authority, exuding a combination of charisma and sternness. His voice, deep and commanding, carries across the room with ease, allowing him to address both formal matters of governance and the concerns of his subjects.   Despite his reputation for competence and efficiency, there is still a hint of the previous decadence in his mannerisms. Occasionally, he may be caught absentmindedly adjusting his fine jewelry or indulging in a taste of expensive wine, betraying his past tendencies. However, it becomes clear that he has worked hard to shed those traits and prove his worth as a capable leader.


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