BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!


A Glaan alchemist, that utilized vision mig in many of his alchemical concoctions. Producing ammunition that carries an alchemical charge which has vision mig as the primary component. His favorite of which being a flare which can hang in the air at a desired distance and flash repeatedly with a dazzling, and likely blinding, display of light. After drinking so much vision mig himself, he has even spoken to Obryn and asked him for deeper secrets to alchemy, with limited success. As he refuses to become a follower of Obryn due to the belief held by most Pyre glaa citizens, that religion does nothing to progress society. While this does not bother Obryn, he is far more cryptic with the information he reveals because of this. So far the only useable information extracted by communing with Obryn has been a means of making alchemical reagents that can be reflected by mirrors as if made of light using vision mig. It didn't take long to design some adjustable surface mount mirrors he could use with these new reagents. This also got him some recognition from the alchemical research board who determine which researchers will be given official positions. They had already been impressed by his ability to repeatedly speak with a god without giving any faith. With new alchemical knowledge coming directly from a god, it will be difficult for the board to turn down his next appeal to join the alchemy guild. However, to make it a guarantee, the alchemist intends to prove his hypothesis that reagents made with this method, will have their power amplified by a mirror created by, or blessed by, Obryn. This could even allow magic and reagents to effectively teleport between shards if this mirror if Forch is correct. He just needs someone to go retrieve one of these mirrors from a potentially infested ancient ruin which he's only seen the doorway of, Mor-Rakar. Obryn has assured him that within, he will find what he seeks.   The more hesitant on the board are worried about the implications that a normal uninitiated citizen could be aware of the existence of a living god on planet, and what else he could find given even basic access to pyre glaa resources. The more eager however, wish someone who was able to find this out on their own to be indoctrinated as soon as possible, and used for experimentation if that is found to be impossible. After all, how often do they get the chance to study someone with such a close connection to the biggest hindrance in their excavation efforts. Should Forch become initiated into the cult and begin learning the secrets of the myst, his knowledge of Obryn could be used to kill the god, and with little trouble if he already has a mirror with Obryn's blessing.


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