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Gilded Obsidian

Weapons created by the legendary golden hellforged and wielded by his generals. Unlike normal obsidian weapons, they do not degrade through use, and have unique effects bestowed upon them, each specifically crafted for the general that wields them. While these weapons are soulbound, they work differently than most, in that they will become bound to anyone that kills their current user. The Gilded Obsidian Great Shotgun, used by the Orc commander, Hammer(Hamma). It has the ability to transform any great shotgun round into any type desired by it's user. Twin scythes, a great scythe and a chain scythe used by the Goblin twins leading the elite execution squad. The great scythe has an uncanny ability to dismember it's target, while the chain scythe can inflict any status effect, or buff status effects applied to it. Obsidian paradox, a raw, living shard of gilded obsidian, in a state of constant flux. Shifting between countless different forms of weapons, making it utterly unpredictable when it strikes an enemy. It's original owner, a gnome sellsword that swore loyalty to the golden king, was killed in combat by a runebound monk, while raiding a monastery housing ancient relics. This monk was captured and tortured until he swore loyalty as well, and returned to the monestary to retrieve the relics he once protected.
Item type
Weapon, Other


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