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Glaan spellshapers

Glaan Spellshapers: Masters of Combat Magic in Pyre Glaa's Military The Glaan Spellshapers are renowned magic scholars within Pyre Glaa's military, specializing in the study of combat magic for large-scale military operations. They play a crucial role in the nation's armed forces, combining their magical expertise with strategic knowledge to shape the tides of battle.   Distinct Roles and Attire:   Glaan Spellshapers are easily recognizable by their distinctive long coats or cloaks that extend below the knees. These garments are not only functional but also serve as a means of identification within their formations, ensuring smooth redirection of forces in the event of a breakdown in the command structure.   Red and Grey: Spellshapers wearing red and grey coats excel in area suppression magic. They utilize spells that employ fire or ice, effectively cutting off or scattering enemy formations. Additionally, they double as long-range artillery during sieges or pre-emptive strikes, raining destruction upon their foes.   Green and White: The green and white-coated spellshapers are skilled medical mages. While genuine healing magic may be rare, they possess the ability to treat various illnesses and create temporary workarounds for major injuries. In dire situations, they are not afraid to cauterize wounds with burning sigils, ensuring their comrades can continue fighting.   Blue: The blue-coated spellshapers specialize in close support magic. They either enhance their own physical abilities or bestow powerful enchantments upon nearby allies. With their magic, they can block strikes from reaching allies several feet away, disarm enemies, and provide invaluable support on the front lines.   Gold: Gold-coated spellshapers denote officers within the Glaan Spellshapers' ranks. Easily distinguishable, these officers possess commanding authority. Their primary role is to guide and coordinate the actions of other spellshapers, ensuring a cohesive and strategic approach to battle. The higher the rank, the more gold is present on their cloaks, signifying greater authority.   Black: The black-coated spellshapers are a specialized group within the Glaan Spellshapers. Their skills lie in covert operations, serving as a combination of special forces and secret police. Operating behind enemy lines, they sow confusion, assassinate key targets, and seize control of strategic locations and resources.   Wands: Powerful Conduits of Magic:   Glaan Spellshapers wield wands as their primary magical instruments. While the majority utilize simple wands made from a large orichalcum nail driven through a carved piece of wood, these seemingly uncomplicated tools are both expensive and highly effective conduits for magic. With these wands, spellshapers can engrave magical sigils directly into the air, creating spells by stacking numerous simple sigils upon each other. This standardized wand design facilitates the training of a larger number of mages in the specialized magiks of Pyre Glaa.   However, there are exceptional spellshapers who wield intricate wands crafted from highly sought-after materials. These advanced wands enable them to create intricate magic circles with ease and combine spells to unleash formidable and powerful magik.   Integral Support for Pyre Glaa's Military:   While the Glaan Spellshapers play a significant role in Pyre Glaa's military, they are part of a larger force engaged in an endless two-front war. Their specialized abilities and standardized training allow for seamless integration with other branches of the military. Whether it is coordinating with infantry units or working alongside siege engines, the Glaan Spellshapers enhance the overall effectiveness of Pyre Glaa's armed forces.


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