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Nameless Runebound Monk

Once a devout follower of Obryn(Oh-brine), a sort of god of ruins that would have once been the kingdom of The Entide(changed dominion from the god of mirrors at some point during the collapse of Entide) But now worships the golden king as a demigod of justice. In the rare cases he leaves the capital to lead in battles, he always brings back a handful of prisoners, either converted to follow the golden king, or who the monk believes can be converted, with enough advanced persuasive techniques. He wields the obsidian paradox, an unpredictable, ferocious weapon the can alter its geometry and material properties, seemingly at random. Although, the monk has almost begun to recognize patterns in it's changing as he meditates with it. Alongside this, he has powerful perception altering abilities due to his runes being written in the blood of Obryn.


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