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Grown by clerics of Pangloss on beds of rot in the heart of Cidel, a rare fungus blooms and spreads. The vibrant and varied blues and greens overtaking the pits of dark browns and reds. Those aware of how it is grown see this as a blessing of Pangloss. These rot pits need to meet specific requirements for Pangloss to bless them, the most restrictive of which is the majority of a humanoid corpse. A pit may only encompass roughly a cubic meter, contain enough rotting plant matter to fill the remaining space, and have enough animal carcass to make up missing mass from the humanoid corpse. At this point a cleric of Pangloss can bless the rot, willing Pangloss to grant it new life. In the major cities of Afrea, this has been studied enough to be done relatively consistantly, at least by those with the more powerful blessings from Pangloss, and is now a popular burial practice. 
 Beneath the brightly colored mushrooms, the ivory white mycelium spreads and weaves through the mass of meat and plant. This is most often harvested and cut into bricks or sheets once it is nearly entirely fungus. While it will typically take several thorough washings to remove the putrid smell, it leaves a durable, although somewhat soft material used for insulation or padding. For those able to put in the time and labor however, this material can be pulled into a very thin strand and spun into twine. When woven into fabric this is refered to as Panglosilk and is remarkably durable. Even when exposed to extreme tempuratures, changes in humidity, or years of sun exposure, things made from panglosilk never seem to degrade from time alone. Even intentionally cutting or damaging them take an extraordinary amount of effort. Afrean military leadership often pushes for the budget to incorporate panglosilk into uniforms, and the aristocracy is rarely seen wearing garments made from anything else.


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