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Pirn (Pern)

A village in pyre glaa bordering Afrea, Pirn is one of the only places on Neternus where blue Migs grow, and in turn one of the only places where vision mig can be made. While vision mig is used widely for its hallucinogenic affects, the Seers of Pirn are possibly the only ones able to use the heightened awareness and computational ability granted by the mechanites found in low concentration in vision mig. Some of the seers have even been said to commune with an ancient god living in the ruins on the border, Mor-rakar. These rare seers are descendants of the ruined entide. During times of great strife, or whenever they feel like it, one seer will go to the ruins on the border, despite the many dangers, to gain a greater degree of insight from the vision mig's foretelling. Many before have left writings of Obryn, a god in the ruins that gives assistance to the tenders of migs and the seers. He has warned seers over the years before the ruins would be faught over or raiding parties were attacking. This allowed the village to prosper, even being in the middle of what's considered to be active warzone and disputed territory. Some of the most spiritual seers have even been able to gather supplies from the ruins whenever they were uncontested due to being so in tune with Obryn's guidence, and always having accurate information from him. There is even one recorded incident when a great shining beast ran from the direction of the ruins into the village to prevent an Afrean scouting party from killing and inprisoning the villagers. Since one seers journey to the ruins, they have all began sprinkling Mig around places where food is stored, and keeping cured migs in children's rooms, thanks to some wisdom from Obryn about keeping ratfolk away.


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