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Port Serenity

Located in what is considered an active combat zone on the coast between Afrea and the Dead Bridge, Port Serenity acts as a sort of trade hub for individuals not afraid to do business that could get them exiled from their homeland. As shady under dwellers from all corners of the continent come here, most in civilized society, or even on the cursed mountain, aren't too eager to do business with people they know frequent the port. It's not uncommon to see afrean slavers, glaan assassins, or even orc officers buying and selling goods from across the continent. While near anything can be found here, you'd have to look just as hard for a specific common household items as you would a rare legendary weapon, as the more exotic items are what the vast majority of the merchants that have set up shop specialize in. There is a notorious ex pirate, Belm, who claims to be in charge of the port, and none dispute this, though the position has been filled by many others before and no one is sure how she came to be the latest. While the port has always been dangerous for visitors and locals alike, it seems successful shopkeeps seem to gain a degree of protection once they've started turning a profit. Though many assume Belm and the other shopkeepers assure anyone good for business is kept around, they all deny this and claim the only people who can turn a profit are those who wouldn't make dangerous enemies so quickly. Being a gathering place for people from all over the continent, anyone visiting that can avoid being mugged, killed, or vanished are likely to hear incredible stories from all walks of life. Since so many here are very well travelled, and tall tales get spotted so quickly, you're unlikely to hear outright lies, though a fisherman's dose of hyperbole can be expected. Popular tales among many visitors are stories about an unknown land on Afrea's southern coast, isolated for centuries, home to heroes of men that are brought up from birth to slay great beasts, The Hidden Coast.


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