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Ratfolk / Chichint

Nearly human sized bipedal rats, the smartest of which have intellect on par with an average person, calling themselves the Chichint. Created from the corruption of the myst, these creates have ancestors indistinguishable from Earth lab mice, however, being a common medium of experimentation for the Entide, a handful of these creatures were the first to feel the full extent of the corrupting power of the myst. Once a group of mice that had been bred to be larger and smarter than their kin became the subject of early myst experimentation, the first ratfolk were born. No one had predicted how much stronger the effect would be on animal life versus inanimate objects and plants. While after their creation they were simply disturbing oddities that some corrupt entide used as slaves, they now inhabit nearly all land on Neternus, have built underground communities, and wreaked havoc on an attempts from the major humanoid nations to expand into the western mountains, which are still rich with entide ruins only accessed by the Holy March. Ratfolk can now be seen kept as slaves in Pyre Glaa and the Afrea Empire, fighting in the Golden King's forces, living in caves and shacks around rural areas, stealing from village storehouses, and typically being considered a pest by most humanoids, and evil creatures despised by others. Some rural areas have found sprinkling some Mig around food storage or cellar entrances helps keep them out. Seeming to act as an affective repellant for at least the more feral ratfolk.


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