God's Legion Mountains
Barbarian folklore told the story of whole mountains uprooting
themselves to crush an army of diseased corpses and insidious‚
tentacled creatures who sought the destruction of the barbarian
people gathered beneath its jagged peaks. Both the Rengarth and
Angardt revere these mountains as the saviors of their people
Throughout their twin histories, particularly brave men and
women—especially those lobbying for elite positions of power—
made the years-long travel to the mountains in order to get clos
er to the gods responsible for their liberation from the undead
and illithid forces (an event that occurred long before the formation of Netheril).
The mountains during the time of Netheril harbored no such
direct force of the gods, though giants, at least one dragon, and a
handful of dwarves and other mountain dwellers lived along its
rugged slopes.
Mountain Range