Crestfallen Sky, 137th Lamentation Prose in Neuorban | World Anvil
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Crestfallen Sky, 137th Lamentation

The land burns before my very eyes, the sorrow consumes me as it would a dead tree.
My tears are many and could easily drown these terrible pyres, but they are too slow in their falling.
O Altheon! O Altheon!
O Demillo! O Demillo!
Your great valleys of plenty now ravaged and violated!
Your once pristine walls of marble now soaked in the blood of innocents!
The people cry and wail, with such a sound that the dead themselves tremble!
My lady, O my lady, why do you not heed their cries?
Even my own, which I cry out to you even now, seem to be deafeningly silent to your ears!
Cursed! Cursed!
Cursed are those that rape the land and murder its people!
Who burn its fruits and eat the flesh of their victims!
Blessed, O so very blessed are those who still fight!
Righteous are they who slay these daemons from the west!
Favored are they that will one day take children of Feliox who remain,
Who toss the vile children of that land from the highest peak,
And see them break upon the lowest rock!


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