The Aestabari Species in Neuorban | World Anvil
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The Aestabari

Basic Information

Biological Traits

Aestabari coloration encompasses the normal human range, though with a more feral edge, with pronounced canines, gruff pointed ears, and eyes more befitting a beast of the hunt. Aestabari males can grow facial hair and body hair, though most tend to shave the latter due to it's thickness and the sweltering temperature of their homeland. Males and females are about the same height, and females are only marginally more lithe than males.

Additional Information

Social Structure

The strongest and most skilled lead. Some tribes inherit matriarchal or patriarchal leanings, but the rule of the strong reigns supreme. They are nomadic in nature, with a thirst for combat in their very bones, leading them to assume family or tribe based structures.

Average Intelligence

Normal sentient potential.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

First names are largely dependent on the familial background of the child in question, though last names are always that of their tribe. Especially large tribes or those who chose to be more precise in understanding their blood relation may add to the tribes name, these additions usually implying the status or how close to the original bloodline they are.

Major Organizations

Major tribes currently are The Crimson Hunters, The Firehawks, The Slabs, The Koei, The Crestfallen Moons, and The Obsidian Fangs.

Beauty Ideals

Strength and force of will are extremely attractive both physically and spiritually to an Aestabari.

Gender Ideals

The only difference between man and woman, to Aestabari, is that they are uniquely gifted. Man is gifted with bestowing lineage and all the richness it carries, while women can experience the ultimate power of life itself. Boys and girls reach adulthood at 13 years old, though this is more biological than cultural.

Courtship Ideals

Though the details vary tribe to tribe, most do away with honorifics. Those who desire one another shouldn't be barred from becoming intimate, in every sense of the word, by foolish niceties.

Relationship Ideals

Though Aestabari are not shy about having multiple romantic relationships and partners throughout their lives, many hope to find one in particular whom they can forge the strongest bond possible with. As far as friendships and family, family is paramount and once forge, the bond of friendship is not one easily forgotten.


Much of the history of the Aestabari is lost, so far as what they were prior to their arrival in the Material Plane from the Feywild in -501 ME. Though all the tribes agree that they are the product of a great warrior, known as The Patriarch. Together with The Many Mothers, he created what is now known as Aestabari. The reasons for their exodus from the Feywild can vary depending on the one telling the history, but many agree it had something to do with The Patriarch. Most think they were sent to carry out some great task, to prove themselves. Though a particularly macabre tribe, The Crestfallen Moons, believe they were cast out do to some great tragedy, even going so far to say that they were banished after The Patriarch suffered some great humiliation. This belief is largely seen as unbecoming of Aestabari to believe by most other tribes.   The Aestabari were quick to lay claim to all they could in their great, new desert home. What had once been a violent wasteland home to diabolic cults, soon became their sacred land. It was their particular, almost ingrained, hatred for the original occupants that made them approachable by the people of Esen. Many deals were struck, broken, and reforged over the years between singular tribes and the small states and kingdoms of the lands outside the mountains, until the Esen Confederacy was officially founded in 245 MIE. Soon after, the Confederacy sought to have a universal trade agreement between all of it's citizens and the totality of the Aestabari tribes. Seeing that the benefits of a single set trade agreement were great for both sides, The Golden Sands Trade Agreement was signed. Since then, the Aestabari have ensured the protection of Confederate trade and travel throughout their region, from guarding the construction of good roads in the region to patrolling these paths and integrating them into their nomadic lifestyle. In exchange, the Aestabari are rewarded with huge influxes of not only essentials that would be tedious to cultivate themselves, but also the luxuries that only few could afford.   During the Civil War, some tribes chose to help the Separatist war effort, but most stayed and ensured that chaos would not reign whilst the Confederate government was so encapsulated by it's campaign. There were some tribes who argued that they should try and leverage better benefits from the beleaguered nation, but a majority of tribes refused to back such an action. Though enjoying life is important to them, to deface or destroy the honor they had accumulated would mean the same as death. That, is the Aestabari way.

Common Myths and Legends

The Aestabari believe their race was conceived through The Patriarch's many conquests, more respectfully referred to as The Many Mothers. Most major tribes can trace themselves back to one of these mythic matriarchal figures, though many details of them are lost or have been distorted over the years. Many tribes believe they will one day be reunited with The Patriarch, though when and how is unknown.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Aestabari, while not being racial supremacists in nature, are more inclined to trust their own kind. The rest of the world is too soft for the life they were born to. But this does not mean that the other races are unable to achieve and foster greatness among them.
Fey, Mortal (Human?)
30-60 years (can live upwards of 180)
Average Height
6-7 ft tall
Average Weight
150-250 pounds
Average Physique
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Tanned, certain tribes mark themselves with paint, tattoos, or even ritualistic scarring.
Geographic Distribution


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