The Cat's Code in Neuorban | World Anvil
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The Cat's Code

1. All new Cats who start chippin' in must know: a) They're going to get rich. b) They're going to jail. c) They're going to die.   2. Crew leaders: You are responsible for legal/financial payment commitments to crew members; your word must be your bond.   3. One crew’s Rat is every crew’s Rat. Rats are like a disease; sooner or later we all get it.   4. Crew leaders and posse should select a diplomat, and should work ways to settle disputes. In unity, there is strength!   5. Theft of those who struggle alongside us is against the Code.   6. Dealing to children is against the Code.   7. Having children deal is against the Code.   8. Dealing in schools is against the Code.   9. Dealing to pregnant women or new mothers is against the Code.   10. Senseless violence, sexual assault, and undeserved brutality is against the Code.   11. Cats cannot be against the Code. Anyone who goes against the Code must expect proportional punishment.   12. Cats are bound to both observe the Code and bring those who break it to a crew leader's attention. Crew leaders are bound to deal due punishment against those who break the Code.   13. Rats are servants of our oppressors and the Watch, honoring the Code never makes someone a Rat.   14. Squares should never be targets of violence unless in self-defense and even then you should leave them breathing.   15. The Watch doesn't run the streets; we do. Run your neighborhoods and keep them safe for Squares.   16. Cats respect their Moll's and Moe's, how they treat them is reflective of a Cat's character.   17. Cats respect the elderly and do not take advantage of or abuse them.   18. Attacking someone’s home where their family is known to reside, must be altered or checked.   19. Harm against children is NOT forgiven.   20. Military disputes concerning business areas within the neighborhood must be handled professionally and not on the street.   21. Established neutral territories must be respected.   22. Know your target, who's the real enemy.   23. Cats may fight one another, but should always recognize those who respect the Code.   24. Chippin' in only ends when you cash out.   25. Always watch your ass and go down swinging.


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