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The Enduring Legion


The legion's military structure contains various ranks and orders within, but commanded by one Hobgoblin: The Khan. Hobgoblin Khans are picked through merit, a Khan needing to be of capable mind and body to rule. Khans are not only exemplar warriors, but are political leaders and tactical geniuses. Khans are nominated by a council of elders from all the Hobgoblin banners (a term used to describe the often times familial units that make up individual legions), a practice carried on since it was established shortly before the first Khan passed on his mantle. From there, the ranks are as follows: warlord, general, captain, wind-rider, spear, fist, and soldier. Warlords control entire legions, answering only to The Khan, while their captains organize and represent the banners. Wind-Riders are in charge of a legion's cavalry, but answer to captains. Spears are those who head phalanxes and order formations during combat. Fists can have a variety of roles, from what other military units would refer to as a "sergeant", to master of arms, to even drill instructors. Soldiers are the foundational rank of the legion, but with varying roles integrated into the rank.


While The Enduring Legion is almost exclusively made up of Hobgoblins, their empire is as diverse as the other nations of Neuorban. The nature of the racial exclusivity of the legion is not based on ideas of racial supremacy, but rather an ingrained sense of duty the Hobgoblins adopted during their initial conquest of the region. Most natives of the steppes were only able to survive through not engaging the monsters of the land, instead hiding from them. When the Hobgoblins arrived, they were far better equipped than any of the natives, who had yet to discover metal working. In exchange for the Hobgoblins protection and taming of the wild land, the natives took to ensuring the Hobgoblins were well fed and supplied with whatever was needed to wage their conquest. This dynamic still exists today, much of the non-Hobgoblin citizenry appreciating the protection of The Enduring Legion and the promise it brings that should the need for battle arise, that they will not be asked to take up arms. In exchange for military exemption, non-Hobgoblin citizens tend to the agricultural and trade needs of the empire, still holding notable positions of power within communities and cities. This allows the Hobgoblins to pursue their martial desires to the fullest, a lifestyle that is very fulfilling to them.

Public Agenda

The Enduring Legion wishes to protect the weak, specifically of their homeland but certainly not limited to it, and foster discipline among their people.


One of the new races to emerge from the “Great Rebirth”, Hobgoblins are a militant but noble people. Like their other transformed kinsmen, Hobgoblin civilization found its start in the Underdark under the mentorship of the Drow. Unlike their kin, however, the Hobgoblins grew restless in the Underdark and soon made a mass exodus to the surface, emerging in the steppes of the Shu in the year -413 ME. The steppes of his land had yet to be tamed by any race, with monsters roaming through it in great numbers, preying on native tribes of the area. The Hobgoblins felt it was destiny that called them here and quickly set to bring order to the steppes. It was in these formative years that the Hobgoblins military structure and martial philosophies began to emerge, as every day to tame the land was a battle.   They learned to tame and use worgs as mounts, something that would become a staple of Hobgoblin warfare. The Hobgoblins saw to the protection of the native people, who in turn taught the Hobgoblins the lay of the land and eventually were absorbed into the emerging empire. In -333 ME, the Hobgoblins had completely conquered the steppes and their empire, The Enduring Legion, had been recognized by their neighboring empires on the continent.   Though occasionally getting into small conflicts with their new neighbors over the years since their founding, the Hobgoblins remain a largely non-aggressive empire. Most of their campaigns are done to aid others across Neuorban, the most recent and largest show of force being during the Dwarven Civil War. The entire strength of The Enduring Legion was brought to bear in favor of the Dwarven Separatists, who the Hobgoblins considered to be waging a just war. The Enduring Legion’s tactics and highly mobile cavalry groups were one of the greatest assets of the Separatists. Though they suffered many casualties during their involvement, it was The Enduring Legion who famously laid siege against the Dwarven Nationalist capitol for 6 long months, disrupting communications and supply lines vital to their war effort. Hobgoblins are considered enemies of all Dwarven Nationalists for this reason, a title which the legion holds with immense pride. They were quick to return home after the war and have regained their lost strength during the peace time.

Ride onward, even when the wind is against you.

Founding Date
-333 ME
Military Order
Training Level
Veterancy Level

Character flag image: by Patricia Leang


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