The Fangs of the Divide Geographic Location in Neuorban | World Anvil
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The Fangs of the Divide


The Fangs of the Divide are like no other place on Neuorban, for the very rock that forms the core mountains comes from deep within the earth of Neuorban. Yet, they somehow stand defiantly tall scraping the sky itself. It is widely believed these mountains were created through some supernatural cataclysm, for no natural explanation could reason how such material, Razor Rock, could have been heaved up in such unfathomable quantities when even the mightiest of earthquakes in the worlds history have at most only coughed up chunks of the near invincible material. It is also believed the smaller mountains, made of more common rock, are merely the debris left over from the titanic shards piercing the earth and subsequently shaped by the elements. The mountains are also the main reason why The Great Scorch is so barren, for it rests on the leeward side of these great mountains. Though because of this, the windward sides are supplied plenty of water, feeding not only the lands below but also creating renewable water sources for the hardy creatures, and insane mortals, that call those mountains home.

Fauna & Flora

Though the foot of the mountains on their windward sides is quiet verdant, the steep incline quickly thins out what plant life can grow, until eventually becoming nonexistent. There are said to be pockets nestled among the mountains that support trees and other plant life, though there are no detailed maps of the area to say where exactly they are. The mountains are never short of wildlife, however. From mundane goats and elk, to powerful aurochs, lethal wyverns, and even nomadic giants: the Fangs of the Divide are never short of hardy creatures. Due to the diabolic tribes, a number of invasive fiend creatures now also roam the mountains. This is all speaking nothing of what lurks within the vast, untrodden caverns of the mountains, which likely go so deep that they may pour into the Underdark.

Natural Resources

Aside from the creatures the locals feed off of, little is known of what the mountains may offer. confederate prospectors claim that the mountains are ripe for exploration, holding untold mineral and other deep earth resource deposits. While the mountains themselves would not serve to this end, there is undoubtedly deposits of Razor Rock located in the area in quantities incapable of being harvested anywhere else.


The Fangs of the Divide were named for obvious reasons, with the technological development of mortals only giving this name more credence. For particularly from an elevated view, the two ranges (though they are referred to as one collective range) appear as the upper and lower jaw of some great shark of the world. These mountains have always struck fear into the hearts of mortals, particularly those who live near the foot of them. Even before evil tribes took residence and began to descend with malicious intent, the mountains were an clear and lethal obstacle for the peoples of Esen. It would take countless centuries, built upon the backs of numerous kingdoms (some shattered before their labors could even be rewarded), before the two great tunnels were carved into both of the mountains ranges to allow the easy traversal of the newly constructed highways: The Black Roads. This was completed in 523 MIE and they are guarded around the clock by huge contingents of Confederate soldiers to prevent being overrun by opportunistic tribals. There are other paths to traverse the mountains, but the rest all require ascending into them, which only the brave and foolish are willing to do.
Mountain Range
Included Organizations


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