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Ghostz are built upon the remnants of the previous tradition of African American badlands gang in Philly. Previously, the name of the gang was the only thing that changed when the leader changed. The same area, similar drug related activities and most importantly, always putting weight into the lives of fellow african americans while having no respect or whatsoever against anyone else, including other gangs and the government. That's why, many people chose to live in the hood as they felt at home. That all changed in the new year of 2000, when the number 2 of the gang assassinated the leader back then, Lamar Gray. Similar to the other betrayers, new overlords gifted the number 2, Benjamin Simmons with eternal life. 

  These days, Ghostz do not meddle with affairs of others but people talk about the missing people around the hood. Not openly though, because opinions can make you disappear as well. Meanwhile, gang members are divided about the new management. While no open dissent is present in Ghostz under the rule of Benjamin Simmons, unrest is in the air. This is countered by the loyalists who are happy to be allied with the night creatures in their newly found business model and thriving under the rule of ambitious new leader.


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